Index of Scenes

<note important>An index of the scenes that have been recorded for prosperity1) in the Wiki of Lies.

To learn how to easily get rid of those pesky timestamps, go here, or here if you store your scene on Google Docs or Drive.

NOTE: Scenesters, don't forget to add your events to this list, or they'll never be found. And if you were in any of these scenes, can you please add a little blurb underneath naming who was involved with a very brief summary of events? THANK YOU MUCHLY. </note> <note>See The Compendium Nonsensica for a complete list of scenes from the GERM clan.

See Tales From The Hole for a collection of documents recounting various events in Squat Hole. </note> Accosted by Sapphire

An Admiral Vacation

Amusing Games For The Very Strange

The Ascent of Mount Pigeonhole

Athos vs. Kuroiten
In which a swordsman of great renown, liberated from his binding pages, spars with a Narrator who wishes to test the mettle of his blade. Featuring, among others, Skidge, Cadye Willfan, and a large cast of onlookers and sundry contestants.

Battle for NewHome
In which silliness ensues with foam darts!

The Battle of the Balloon Dragon

A Beautiful Scarf is Given Away
In which beautiful scarves are given away. Mercury and Sloth are involved.

In which the Festival of Beltaine is kept by Sink, Kestrel, G, Dave, Ari and various other GERMans, with much woad and a bonfire.

Beware the Kumquats
In which the Dangers of Citrus Fruits are revealed to Sydney Fletcher, Target Practice and Ochris.

Breaking Point

In which Teh Dave discovers Calliaphone's unusual sense of balance, and Calliaphone discovers that Improbability is A Thing.

A Case of the Holidays
In which Liebs spreads holiday cheer to her friends Justa, Rykar, and Llama. And by “holiday cheer” we mean “glittery tinsel herpes.” Also featuring Wesker, Arodang, and Yilip as horrified onlookers.

The Case of Mistaken Hatdentity

Christmas Carol
In which Dickens rolls in his gra- no wait! I mean, in which Marly and Ebenezer become business partners, and learn the error of their ways. . .(Also starring, oh man you want me to list everyone? I'll have to go look that up now, you realise that? ~stomps off muttering~)

The Circus Incident

Clayton Gets Hungry, a ghoulish encounter
In which Clayton gets taken over by a ghoul after his last Tea. It has Clayton, Rory, Jasser, Dark Knight, Clue, Grace, Cage, Quinn and whoever else was in the outposts while the events were unfolding.

Commedia Dell'arte

Gambling with the Wind

Of Cubs and Bows
In which a surly lion cub gets 'properly' accessorized by a silly Joker.

Daedalus receives a valuable gift
A short tale of Squat cunning.

Dark Dealings in the Jungle Definite Dastardly jesting.

A Day at the Beach


The Double Bed Experiment
In which Omega is taught about the Birds and the Bees. Also some other things happen. 2)

Duck Bombing
A tale when members of the clan 3)4) decided to fill the GERM bingo hall's spa with 80 kilograms of rubber ducks 5)6)7)

The Duel of the French Fries
In which two Gentlemen compete in a Battle to the Deathe for the Hand of thee Faire Ladye Johnson, with Muche Hilarity. A Lovechilde is also Revealed.

Elf and Safety
In which Chief Elf SinkOrSwim gets a little . . . carried away . . . by his responsibilities. Also starring various members of the GERM Christmas Team, including Teh Dave, g_rock, Reverb, Calliaphone, and Uncle Bernard.

Ex Libris

If at first you don't succeed…skydiving is not for you. Starring Baruq, Zeta, Keta, Kixur, Ebenezer, Harris Doubledon, and Tor NaGoth.

First Night of the Pirate Port Tavern

The Game
In which we are given insight into a more intellectual side of Squat Hole life.


The Glorious Smell

Golf Tournament

The Gopher Chronicles
In which a diminutive midshipman is sent on a mission of Great Importance For The Admiralty, is distracted by a gopher, and encounters great dangers. Also starring K.K._Victoria.

The Great Sporran Hunt

The Great Train Robbery
The now defunct train service was once used by the Skronkys for the distribution of cigarettes. This was once a target of an attack by the McThuggers.

Greenhouses are Medtents Too
In which Miss Hellebore, Ahab and Johnson attempt to hold a conversation in Micha's Greenhouse. Yellow paint is involved. So is a balloon. Someone's nose also gets broken and many, many lies are told.

The Gremlin at the Library
In which Calliaphone brings an injured gremlin to Sanctuary.


The Higher They Climb, The Harder They Fall
In which The Proffessor falls trying to climb a mountain in The Hunting Grounds8) and lands in Kittania's Hunter's Lodge.

Home Invaders, or No Locks and the Single Bear 9)
In which Johnson and Miss Hellebore flee from a swamp monster and find themselves in a Strange House. Showers are used. Breakfast is eaten. A log cabin may or may not be built.

Hunting the Hunters

Improbable Island Alphabet

Improbable Island Free Concert Series

The Improbable Soap Opera

Inaugural Caper

Into The Darkness

Joe's Diner Massacre

Jasser's and dark knight's Wedding

Jasser's and dark knight's wedding presided over by Albert W. Carter. Rory was Maid of Honor for Jasser and Val Shiro and Rukatin where Best Men for dark knight. There where many guests. 2 objections occurred one was a joke. There was also a small catfight.

Jasser's and dark knight's Reception

Jokering of Spark, The:

Part One: Trap

Part Two: Murphy

Part Three: Drive

Part Four: Epilogue

The Kittania Flour Incident A normal day in Kitt.. Then A Pounce, and Flour, and Chaos Erupts.

The Library Party

The Life And Death of Institutional Green
In which there is a tin of institutional green gloss-paint and the Bingo Hall. Also includes an unfortunate number of GERMans, such as Teh Dave, G, Dizzyizzy, Kestrel, Johnson, Declan, Calliaphone and Uncle Bernard. With a brief cameo from Spandex, dragging a goat.

Lost and Found

Of Love and Hot Tubs

Owl Massacre
In which a Giant Owl attempts to eat Rawr and is soundly beaten; and in which its baby subsequently attempts to eat Alice.

Marly, Mutants, and the Search for Unreality
In which Marly goes to Pleasantville in search of a way to save Johnson from her incorporeal state, and in doing so waxes reluctantly philosophical with a Mutant, and to her horror earns said Mutant's undying love. Also starring Daedalus and Cousjava, and also Shiloh special commenting the Mutant.

Marriage Proposal 2x Combo
In which awkwardness is pitted against romance. WHO WILL PREVAIL? Said epic combat takes place between Collin Vee, Grey Ashe and Rin & Sin.

Matter of Zolotisty vs. KK

The Moonlight Blob

Murder Mystery Tea Party
In which several people are dragged to their doom, only to have a nice spot of tea. And 'death'.

Musings on Metaphors
Wherein Aloisius Five-Eyes interprets the outpourings of Spark in ways that are possibly not quite what the originator had in mind.

The Not Wedding
In which Marly attempts to marry a Calliaphone, but is foiled by a Handsome Interloper. Also starring Pepper and Spandex.

Pati La

The Piggy Insurgency (Currently Ongoing) In which things aren't done happening. Pay attention.

The Provision of Civic Amenities
In which the basic infrastructure of Squat Hole is enriched by the provision of a bus service. Other useful services are inadvertently also provided.

Rescuing Little Fella
In which Thewonderllama, Rodrick and Gizmo rescue the last Missing Sentient Rubber ducks from the QQQ Clan halls.

The Riddler of Oz Scene 1 and Scene 2

The Saga of Pinche and Binjali

Season Two Cutover

Singing Toasters
In which Calliaphone helps some troubled toasters find a new means of self-expression.

The Sound of Island
In which Banter erupts into a spontaneous duet.

Tarot Readings

The Toilet Saga
In which calliaphone indulges in a spot of plumbing.

Uncle Herbert and the Hat
In which there is wandering too far, a trial is had, and there are some flying merpeople. Oh, and chocolate! Starring Silas, Spark, Trotsky, and Will

A Valkyrie Weds
In which Brynhildr and GK are married in a Viking ceremony, helped along by Johnson, Teh Dave and Ari.

Victorian Siege

The Watcher in the Common Ground

The Wedding Tale

Wing Retrieval

Words From the Wise
In which Calliaphone takes tea and philosophy with Alexander Quandle and Unfairlady, and is given a New Perspective on The Drive.

Xane's Stories

You've got sick on you.
Starring the magic of friendship, Marly, and Zefrieus.

The MacTavish-Coteaux-Wyrmbrandt Wedding

and posterity!
But not many.
Actually a leader and an officer of QQQ
If you really want to point fingers. It was Akogi and Micha
Minor details not included
Minor details being how to get to said hidden spa
which obviously not involves cheating