Table of Contents
Clan and Outpost Defences
Being a response to The Watcher's Recent Appearance.1)
See also the Outpost Invasion Plan.
The Plan
Stay close to your friends, listen to your clan leaders, don't be a dick. Help out as much as you can, organize your clan if your leaders are not doing so already. Take a stand.
We may die, we may be wounded, but do not fear. Steel yourself for the battle ahead.
Below is a list of the Outposts and their particular defenses, and a list of the Clan Outpost assignments.
Good luck, kick arse.
Outposts and Their Particular Defenses
Here is my understanding of how each place is currently being defended and by whom. This would be the list to check if you are clan-less or otherwise unoccupied by other order
- Clans: Part of DICE
- Established Defenses: walls (grenade-proofed), cleared line of sight and fire to the Jungle. Traps set on Jungle's edge and along likely routes (northwest, northeast). A veritable hell of an entanglement of razor wire, linear shaped discharges and poles, complete with trip-wired grenades with maximized shrapnel output and trip-flares stretching a little over half the wall-Jungle distance. Weak points are designed for enfilage fire.
- Established Offenses: 8 gun artillery battery of 32-pounder naval long guns.
- Other Defenders:
- Clans: Part of QQQ
- Natural Defenses: High Ground, so advance warning. Remote.
- Established Defenses: Sharpened spikes driven into the ground around the perimeter. Also, possibly, an army of robots, although we've yet to battle-test them.
- Established Offenses: Scattered caltrops
Improbable Central
- Natural Defenses: Flat plains, no ground cover for invaders, the rage of all IIslanders at the thought of the booze dispensery being damaged6).
- Established Defenses:
Steel reinforcement on all outer walls, pitiful moat, wooden spikes and brass caltrops at the base of the wall, iron spikes on top of the wall.Never mind all that nonsense! We've marbles at the top of the stairs. Tar and treacle on the steps. Audrey's hedgehogs embunkered in, spines at the ready for any barefoot monsters. We've swinging paint tins and.. . here's the one.. . we've wired up the main gate door handle to the mains! High-voltage fencing (if the fuses aren't out again), and a gods-awesome Lightning Cannon on the south gate turret!7)
- We've also got something else in the frying pan and I don't mean the one which is swinging evilly at face height at the North gate, but we've built a huge kiddys play area-cum-adventure playground outside of the town. Those silly mon-mons won't know what's hit 'em!
- Established Offenses:
Boiling Oil frames on each corner of the outer walls, giant slingshots mounted 8) atop the wallsBlah, blah, blah. Sink has pissed everywhere. The smell is very offensive.
- Other Defenders: Karel, Da Spook, Ferryn
- Clans: ROGUE, UP, ICEE
- Natural Defenses: A General Cat Pee smell
- Established Defenses: The Roaring Palisade- a mechanized metal wall with hidden flamethrowers and mounted , manned turrents. Snow Blockade.9)
- Other Defenders: 250 Mechanimals made by GL, Hax and his Mechs. , BuckNasty and the ROGUE swim team. ICEE members with ice javelins.13)
- Clans: Part of DICE
- Natural Defenses: Strange orange goo, belligerent gatekeeper, off-putting nudity. Close Jungle (disadvantage).
- Established Defenses: Wooden walls supported by metal struts and many wooden braces. Dojo Tower, Clan Hall Tower, Sheila's Tower, and the South Tower. Warning jingle-bell alarm system. Highly-decorated trenches, filled with razor wire. Perimeter lighting: glowing stones, sticks, and a sign in the air that reads “MONSTERS - GO - AWAY.” 14) A searchlight in the Dojo Tower.
- Established Offenses: Socktopus slingshot grenade-launcher. Old-school traps and snares. Vicious, pointy-stabby things that are not nice to step on. Nets, coated in gum and glass dust (ouch). Confetti cannon. Attack ferrets (in miniature airplanes, of course). Something John Constantine did.15)
- Other Defenders: Lots and lots of Rookies. Tea party goers. Fans of the Museum.
New Pittsburgh
- Clans: TAMED
- Natural Defenses: Overpowering stench. Endemic molds, mildews, and other sundry rots. Slippery brain chunks everywhere.
- Established Defenses: Duchess's Spider Silk spun between the trees. Trenches.16)
- Other Defenders:
- Clans: Part of QQQ
- Natural Defenses: The torment of existence weighed against the horror of nonbeing.
- Established Defenses: eight foot wooden palisades reinforced with three feet of stone at the base. Sand bag embankments along the river and through out the town at strategic locations.
- Other Defenders: Jackalope's Crew
Squat Hole
- Clans: AIB
- Natural defenses: Surrounded by river and swamp22).
- Established Defenses: Staggered trenches, forcing a zigzag approach, filled with swamp water and studded with wooden spikes. Ring of broken glass and metal shards. Sturdy barricades made of junk embedded in earth.
- Established Offenses: 2 carts grenades. 1 cart slightly used plasma and lightning guns, in varying condition. Midgets.
- Other Defenders:
Note: Members of Chimental are scattered throughout all outposts.
Clan Outpost Assignments
<SAVOR> The Soaring Amphitheatre Venture
<AIB> Amity In Bedlam
- Squat Hole
<ROGUE> Rather Outrageous GAthering Unclear on Everything
- Kittania
<LDD> Legion of Dynamic Discord
<QQQ> Quack Quack Quack
- Cyber City 404 and Pleasantville
<NBLUE> Dead Parrot Society
<CHAOS> Causing High Amounts Of Strangeness
<FNORD> The Erisian Movement for Improbability
<SPARC> Sweet Playful Amusing Renegade Clan
<MICE> Hyper-Intelligent Pan-Dimensional Beings
<TUNES> Totally Useful Non-Entity Storage
< DICE> The Aleatory Ensemble
- Ace High and NewHome; Cyber City 404, when Ace High and NewHome are secure.
<SUGAR> Bureau of Improbability Generation
- Sugar has opted to, for the moment, be a bit of a roving support group, lending help where it may be needed. They also, for another moment, intend to be a contact point for the other clans associated with SWEET. Should any Outpost come under attack, please alert Xane, Halo, Silcatra or Ferryn for immediate assistance.
<SPICE> Society for Preservation of Improbability
< CDAG> Collateral Damage Adventurers' Guild
<SOUR> Society of Unlimited Requisition
<Hope> The Wayfarer's Gambit
- Ace High (mostly); some members are wandering fire-support
<GERM> General Engineering Racketeering n' Musical Guild
- Improbable Central
<xkcd> Harmless Fleshy Mammals
- Beachhead Prevention23)
<KGB> Kinky Gallivanting Bastards
<GOLD> Heart of Gold
<MAAT> Meeting of Abrrant Academics and Tricksters
- Currently looking at Improbable Central
<SAS> Society for the Anti-Social
<CIA> Centre of Improbability Administrators
<not> The Order of Nothing
< Wise> The Academy
- Due to small number of members over diverse time zones, The Academy is not able to offer a concerted effort, but members will respond where, when and however they are able. Contact point is Daedalus by Distraction.
<what> Dragon Riding Adventurers of Space and Time
<TAMED> Taking Advantage of MAnkind Every Day
- New Pittsburgh
<UP> The Unthinkable Philosophers
- Kittania
<GREN> Knights of the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
<ICEE> Inorganic Catlike Enlongated Elements
- Helping out in Kittania.
<JERKS> Jestfully Enjoying Recurrent Kitschy Schadenfreude
<dmh> black goat with a thousand young
<Raep> Redeeming Attributes Expected Please
<BMG> Brewmasters Guild
<MSPA> Order of Sepulchritude
<CRAB> Crab Head Zombies
<TKN> Taller Than Knees
<KDUX> Krumpdux
<OLDE> Olde Tyme Guild of Dystinguished Gentlemen
<ASS> Association of Slaughter and Shiny
<RS> Random Squad
<JIG> The Casual Followers of Jay
<YAHO> Yeast and Hop oligarchy
<CBE> Cult of the Blind eye
<PETA> People Eating Tasty Animals
<FUN> Freelance Urban Nomads
<IBN> Improbable Broadcasting Network
<TW> Torchwood
<DAFT> Dimensionally Accelerated Frontier Trespassers
<WAA> Waa Waa
<SHIT> Seekers of Honor Improbability and Truth
<VILE> Very Improbable Ludicrous Extras
<PHOEB> Plaintively Helping Others EveryBody
<CPU> Central Probable Unit
<MOTH> Muthas of the Hats
<RAVEN> Raven Nation
<LLAMA> Dos Llamas
<ALT> Alliance Lacking Taste
<KOL> Kings of Loathing
<TKA> To Kill A
<Buns> Riders of the Bloody Bun
<AoE> Scholomance Debate Team
<CT> Clan Tarrasque
<BOAT> Boatmurdered
<star> Surreptitious Travelers of the Astral Realm
<HUKED> Huked On Fonix