Located in the center of Improbable Island, nearly due north of NewHome and to the west of Kittania, Improbable Central is both the capital of the Island and the hub of its commerce and social life. Rumor has it that all rumors start here and are approved by an unrevealed government agency before being released to contestants through Dan at the Prancing SpiderKitty.

Additionally, the Island's major scientists have their secret enclave here, where they devote their time to developing new weapons, such as the chainsaw, for use by contestants. Clans often steal these prototypes before they are ready for general release and can be seen running amok through the streets of the Island's cities with everything from radioactive cheese sprayers to rainbow-colored Molotov cocktail mixers. Ask around for the Science Center - If you can find it, maybe you'll be able to buy a devastating weapon prototype1).

Major attractions in Improbable Central include:

Improbable Central is a bustling place, full of contestants coming and going, and Island officials hustling through on their various errands of Island business. Travelers should sure to have their caricature drawn by local artists beside the statute of the Island's latest hero in the town square - and be sure to check out the stocks. The city's tallest spires offer terrific views of the forests to the east and southwest, as well as the swamps and river to the north. Head out from Improbable Central in any direction, and adventure awaits!

Unless, of course, someone has already stolen it.
Though you might find the cousin somewhere in NewHome
He denies that the improbability that infuses the Island has affected these stones in any way, and any reports to the contrary are nothing but lies.
Reports of massive blood and hit point loss are common.
It is recommended to eat two candies, and then eat two more. Eating three or four at a time can may result in baaaaad things.