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Ganti: A Scottish-American Newb recently dropped on the Island, but is learning fast. He means well, so we tolerate him for now. Currently a Zombie. Wishes he was alive again. For his forth incarnation he's a Kittymorph again. He likes it much better than being a zombie. Really really likes the band Kansas1)2)3). Just a Human, at the moment but is fascinated with Jokers. He want's suit like they have, only red4). He's surviving better than most newbies so he might become one.5) Still has an annoying tendency to end up on the failboat, however. Currently has 4 DK's to his credit. Would prefer to hoof it then buy the Budget Horse. Very anti-slavery. Kinda nice person when you get past his anti-social tendency's. Currently trying to loose weight. Not working out too well, as eating nothing but Rations and running himself into the ground isn't helping any. The steak in kittana is delicious,nutritious and slimming! Despises those Sneaky Bastards. And that damn cult that is going on about how they will save us all after they just tried to eat him. Used to be a good singer, but his vocal chords have decayed mightily, so he can't sing very well at the moment. Looks forward to leaving his stint as a Zombie so he can sing again. Is a Kittymorph again, so he can be seen singing at almost all hours. 6) Is friends with Shi, and has given her his spare Blankowel7)8), and wears a necklace(?) she made for him.

Don't insult them in his hearing. EVER.
No, you really don't want to.
Well, don't say we didn't warn you.
He really likes the color red.
With a Red Suit
When he's awake.
it's a cross between a blanket and a towel. Excellent for all your Hitchhiking or Improbability battling needs
this information brought to you by the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy's commercial department. Visit us on Alpha Centauri today!
ganti.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/21 18:03 by

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