Some facts about CavemanJoe

This information may be outdated. This page has listed his age at 25 for a while now. Like most Humans, he has probably aged. This is, in fact, true - CavemanJoe turned 26 on the 29th of July 2008, and nobody on the Island wished him a happy birthday. Bah.
But to speak in our defense, he didn't tell anyone this until mid-August, so it's not entirely our fault. Plus, do you know how hard it is to find a birthday card on this danged Island? There's not a Hallmark store anywhere to be found. Double-bah!
Two years and a Season or so later when this obstacle was finally overcome, practically everyone on the Island sang, danced, or shouted out birthday wishes.
CavemanJoe did not seem to put in an appearance at the party . . . but was afterwards observed eating some birthday cake.
CMJ note - fuck, I'm 31 now. Or is it 32…
'Dead' is generally rumored to be a very bad situation.
Tobacco, we guess, given the prevalence of tobacco products in the game.
It's Caveman.
Only with a healthier-looking skin tone. The Hulk is an eight-foot-tall superhero with 200-inch biceps - would it kill him to stop by a tanning salon once in a while?
Having a banhammer strapped to one's belt is a lot like The Hulk? Does it wear little purple pants?
This is what you'd expect a ninja to insist, actually. But we believe him on this one.
  • Code Monkey like fritos.
  • Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew.
  • Code Monkey very simple man.
  • Code Monkey also like donations to pay server bill, and players who say nice things about his awesome game coding. Sometimes Code Monkey even blush when reading nice things, but will never let on.
Not 'gray'.
With varying levels of success. His chartreuse phase was particularly unsuccessful.
Thus, pretty much every liar in the game has taken a shot at writing this page for him, except this guy. Someday we'll go too far and he'll abandon us to the Watcher's wrath. Oh, and 'someday' means 'next Tuesday'.
I'll take a shot when I well please, thank you. Now, pass the tequila.
She liked ponies. She liked monkeys. Honestly! - Women these days, with their fancy Hollywood expectations!
Which is really bad ass, if nothing else. Keep your politics to yourselves, though; they tend to generate massive amounts of drama and cross the line into 'flamey topics'.
Given that he succeeded in getting the response he wanted, it's thought that he should try to solve world peace through promises of Donation points.
After seeing the prior footnote, CMJ said 'Oh, okay then' and set up a distributed computing team for curing cancer, etc., via the World Community Grid. At time of typing, it has twenty-two one thousand, two hundred and twenty-one (as of 10/17/10) members already! We're not sure what they do, but we think it involves cake and tequila. Lots and lots of cake.
And even more tequila