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Strange little creatures, found wherever there are typos and promptly kicked away, an action that usually sends them scurrying. They have populated the Island as long as anyone can remember, taking away letters that ought to be there, inserting letters that oughtn't, and otherwise making a pesky nuisance of themselves.

It has been recently discovered that when agitated, typo gremlins have the ability to break reality. Concerned individuals1) have been researching2) this behavior using proven means3) and have proposed the theory 4) that typo gremlins do not cause typos deliberately; rather, typos are a side effect of their reality-warping abilities.

The implications of this have yet to be discovered.

Notable Gremlins

Some notable gremlins, identified here by given not-gremlin names for clarity:

Cookie-Cookie and her kitchen staff were rescued and given the option to return to the wild or work in return for guarantees of safety. They chose to tend bar and run the small kitchen in the Common Ground

Eileen-The elusive italics gremlin. She runs around the island eating italics tags, to invert all italics used after her visit. Upon encountering this character, your best bet is to be extremely kind, offer some food or drink, and wait for the offending mangled tag to pass from immediate memory

raving lunatics
carrying around a gremlin and poking it occasionally
been seen drunkenly proclaiming on street corners
typo_gremlins.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/21 18:02 by

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