The Cockwork Clockwork Stallion can be purchased for 144 cigarettes1) at Mike's Chop Shop in AceHigh .
This nightmarish clatter-trap2) is an alternating buff mount3), which bestows a stamina reduction in travel on some days, and add-on combat damage on others. The stamina reduction clocks in at a roughly 20% discount, and the add-on damage deals an average of 23 damage per round4), for 50 rounds.
The Stallion is your friend. It is certainly not licking your hand to get a taste for human flesh5). Give its flank a pet and it will emit a whinny perfectly attuned to ensure empathetic connection with the metallic, tick-tocking monstrosity.
clockwork_stallion.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/21 18:03 by