<note warning>Just know, this page is pretty out of date. Don't trust it 100%, nor 200%, and especially not 395%.</note>
<IZN> The Improbable Zednoughts
<XIII> The Thirteenth Improbable Guard
<AAC> Association of Alternate Characters
<AEOG> The Association of Exceedingly Ordinary Gentlemen
<ALE> Clan of the Almighty Liquid Enjoyment
<Ankh> Ankhet
<ANY> A Ninja is You
<AoN> Apropos of Nothing
<ASS> Association of Slaughter and Shiny
<AVOID> Assembly of Verbose Orators Initiating Dialog
<BAKA> Brains And Knowledge Association
BASE> Brave and Silly Explorers
<Bay> Escaped Lunatics
<BGS> The Bunny and Gunn Show
<BOOK> Society of Book Lovers
<BOOM> Improbably Explosive Contestants
<BREW> Brewers of Really Excellent Wiquor
BUILD> Building Ultimately Irrelevant Little Dwellings
<Buns> Riders of the Bloody Bun
CAKE> Classy Avengers and Knights-Errant
<CAT> Cephalopod Admission Troupe
CHAOS> Causing High Amounts of Strangeness
<CI> Crafters of Improbability
<CNN> Clan of No Name
<CLOWN> Crazy Laughing Organisms Without Niceties
<CRAFT> Can't Remember A Fucking Thing
<DAFT> Dimensionally Accelerated Frontier Trespassers
<DEMON> 'Red Demons' Mercenary Company
<ETC> Et cetera - eT cetera - et Cetera
<EVIL> Elegant Villains' Infamy League
<FB> The FailBoat Crew
FNORD> The Erisian Movement for Improbability
GERM> General Engineering Racketeering 'n Musical Guild
<GLAD> Our Guiding Light as Divinity
<GOLD> Heart of Gold
<GRAY> Itinerant's Crossroad
<GTFO> The Great Treasure Finding Organization
<HADES> Underworld
<HAREM> Heroic Allies Riding Extreme Monsters
<HAMMY> Hamusutaa
<HAT> the Headwear Alliance for a better Tomorrow
<HELL> Highly Envible Living Legends
<HELP> Helping Every Little Person
<HERO> Helpful Ends Rewarding Obligations
<HIVE> Cult of The Hive-Mind
<HOBO> The Hermetic Order of the Bronze Octopus
<HOW> The legion of how
<HS> MS Paint Adventurers
<HUKED> Huked On Fonix
<IBN> Improbable Broadcasting Network
ICEE> Inorganic Catlike Enlongated Elements
<IDIOT> Team Redundancy Team
<IDK> Individuals Desiring Knowledge
<III> Improbable Island Irregulars
<IIR> Improbable Island Rangers
IMO> Imperious Masquerade Organization
<JBOW> Contestant Jbow Fancier Association
<JIG> The Casual Followers of Jay
<Khim> Khimeros Just imagine
KIND> Good Friends and Citizens
<KotBR> Knights of the Black Rage
<KotDT> Knights of the Decagonal Table
<LAID> League of Abject Immorality and Debauchery
<LDD> Legion of Dynamic Discord
<LHTF> Lion Hunting Task Force
<LOCK> The Legendary Order of the Crimson Kiss
<LSG> League of Silly Gentle-folk
MAAT> Meeting of Abrrant Academics and Tricksters
<META> The Association of Metagamers
MICE> Hyper-Intelligent Pan-Dimensional Beings
<MIND> Making Interesting New Discoveries
<MSPA> Order of Sepulchritude
<MWRC> Milliways Refugee Center
<MYST> MY Solitary Traverse
<NFF> Noob-Friendly Folk
<Night> Alter of Night
<Ninja> Ninjas in near Juxtaposed Awesomeness
<NONE> Neither Official Nor Educational
<Nox> Nox - darkness for the light
<OCD> Organized Chaos and Deviance
<ODD> The Odd Squad
<Orz> Genuflect
<OZh> Mary-Jane Fan Club
<PAGAN> Mother Earth Warrior Clan
<PETA> People Eating Tasty Animals
<PL> Phantom Legion
<POPO> Police Officers Patrolling Outposts
<PoS> Protectors of Skaia
PRAT> Pirates Raiding And Terrorizing
<PURPL> The Purple Gang
<QUEST> Questor's Urbane Enlightenment Social Tower
<Rdeem> Redeeming Attributes Expected Please
<RISK> Gambler's Guild
ROGUE> Rather Outrageous GAthering Unclear on Everything
<RS> Random Squad
<RUN> Reasonably Unfriendly Nerds
<RVB> Red vs Blue
<SAD> Sad Patrol
<SAS> Society for the Anti-Social
SAVOR> The Soaring Amphitheatre Venture
<SCorp> Erisian Order of Chaos ShadowCorps Division
<SCREW> Screwdrivers
<SCRT> Supply Crate Retrevial Team
<SF> Clan Starfire
<SFA> Swordfighters Alliance
<SHADE> Friends of the Shadows
<Shini> Shinigami
<SK> Shadow Knights
<SMUG> Smuggler's Guild
<SOD> Sanctum of Dirt
<SOLO> Sorting Owls from Lesser Organisms
<SPADE> The Red Spades
SPARC> Sweet Playful Amusing Renegade Clan
SPICE> Society for Preservation of Improbability
<SPT> Stygian Pirate Trade
<SRNTY> Browncoats
<srs> Serious Roleplayer Society
<SSS> Super Seiyan Sentai
<star> Surreptitious Travelers of the Astral Realm
SUGAR> Bureau of Improbability Generation
<SURLY> Surly You Cannot Be Serious
<SWN> Sure Why Not
<SWS> Writers
<TEA> Chaps in Search of a Decent Cup of Tea
<TEST> Experimental Mindset
<TINC> The Improbably Normal Clan
<TKWSN> The Knights Who Say Ni
<TRDIS> Travelers and Radical Doctors into Shenanigans
<TS> Tactical Supremacy
<TUNES> Totally Useful Non-Entity Storage
<TW> Torchwood
<TWD> The Watcher's Disciples
TYPES> Typical Youths Purposefully Evading Sanity
<VM> The Viking Metalheads
WENCH> Wench's Experimental New Club House
<YAHO> Yeast and Hop oligarchy
<YOLO> Yetis Ogle Lovely Ogresses
<ZA> Shaco
<ZEN> Zenarchy
<ZZZZZ> The Last Clan