The GERM Compendium Nonsensica presents. . . Calliaphone, in:

madness in which Calliaphone has been involved

1. Calliaphone and the Library Gremlin

2. A Christmas Carol

3. But father, I'd rather just... sing

4. Elf and Safety

5. The Toilet Saga, or Adventures in Plumbing

6. The Origins of the Arbuthnot Myth

7. Ari and Dave GET MARRIED

8. Ticker Trouble- or, What Makes G Tick

9. When Calliaphone almost got married

10. The Gopher Chronicles

11. When GERM decided to investigate the banking system

12. Calliacrobatics, or - Philosophy on a Balance Beam

13. Beltaine- The Spring Festival

14. The tale of the accordion and the badge making machine

15. When Dave slid down the banister in Dunbernarding

16. Scaling Mount Pigeonholes

17. A Song For GERM

18. When we were evil

19. A Tin-Opener is Mended, or- Introducing Egbert

20. Calliaphone in training

21. The Calliafrog

22. Calling a Shovel a Spade

23. When Calliaphone assembled

23. Violets is not the answer

24. The Piano Monster, or - A Music Lesson

25. The Life and Death of Institutional Green

26. How Callia became a joker