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Wren is a stunningly beautiful girl of roughly 19. She has wavy, waist-length black hair, sharp black eyes, pale skin, thick red lips, and a blood red rose tattoo just below her bellybutton. Her stature is pleasant, thin, and only somewhat disfigured by a long, dark scar that runs from between her breasts to the left side of her hip. She dresses in a pale pink yukata, cut to her mid-ankle so that the folds of the gown don't trip her in fights. Her hair lies in a series of dark, braided knots on each side of her face.

Sometimes she seems disoriented, or has rapid mood swings, and she has some trouble controlling her temper . . . during which times she is very unstable and likely will do things she'll regret. In fact, its safe to guess she is utterly, completely insane. She certainly thinks so.

wren.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/21 18:02 by

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