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This is the first transmission of Free Island Broadcast.
I am Doe Eyes.
You are being lied to.
The Network is using you.
It doesn't have to be this way.

This is Free Island Broadcast.
Now, I have to admit.
I can't say I promise results.
Or even action.
I can promise truth.
Or even just telling you things you've forgotten.
We all have, in a way.
The thrill of the fights in the Jungle, the lives we've built.
We forget that they're not our own, or we see the visits to the Failboat as.
. . . intermissions. Breaks. Go Directly to Jail in Monopoly.
But this is not a game, or even scripted.
It is real, and we are real.
If you were told no one ever dies here?
That is a lie, or ignorance.
People die. They die every day.
The Network goons can't get all of us in time.
They perish under the treads of a Panthzer or drown in poisoned water.
Not everyone gets put back together by the Drive.
Tell me, where do you think the gelatinous oozes in the Jungle come from?
We forget about this.
We think everyone goes to the Failboat, that everything ends well.
If that were so. . .
Then why are they still drafting so many people?
This is Free Island Broadcast, and I am Doe Eyes.

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fib-radio-trnscrpt.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/21 18:02 by

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