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Entry of the Jokers

Music: Julius Fucik
Lyrics: Cousjava

Scored for Non-Joker Chorus, Joker Chorus, Sole Joker 1(Preferably male) and Solo Joker 2(Preferably female), Miscellaneous Noises and full orchestra (score not diplayed here). You can hear the full orchestra part here

(Non-joker chorus)
(Miscellaneous Noises)

(Joker Chorus) We will fight all the day
When we have good buffs to-day
Draw a card and
Roll the dice and
Are we going to have internal bleeding?

Flip a coin to tell the tale
Try to find if we won't fail
Take a cake and
Drink some tea and
What mood is Horatio in to-day?

Have a visitor in AceHigh
Its good sport for him to die
Poke his balls and
Steal his clothes and
Look what a foolish contestant!

Play a game of Joker poker
Its not really mediocre
Play an ace and
Play four more and
Look there's a monkey raw!
(Joker Solo 1)
What about adding wings?

There's a fun game
We sometimes like to play
some day
Take a creature from its home
from home
Give it wings and let it roam
Then when it starts killing
Send in contestants with a spork

If they get killed
Its there own fault
to halt
Let the Watcher deal with them
Adding chaos is always fun
As long as it is ordered!

(Joker Chorus)

(Non-Joker Chorus)
What a load of tripe is this
(Miscellaneous Noises)

(Solo Joker 2)
Sometimes if we're being
Serious we fight
But only for 'bout half an hour
Till its time for
Tea and Batenburg

Horatio Entwhislte
Is a plesant guest
As long as he does not hog the biscuits

But Jokers are
Just Victorian men in hats
Tapping along with a cane
For fun
Doing what they like best
Which now is
(Solo Joker 1)
Chaos cards

(Solo Jokers 1 & 2) But now we all join together for now…

(Joker Chorus) All us jokers
Are going to have fun
When we've taken out your brain
To sell for req or cigarettes

Then with your mindless corpse
We'll use in games
A six is for your legs
And a two for your arms

That's poker for us jo-

The squelch noise is a bit like a group of humans, midgets, zombies, mutants, kittymorpphs and robots being squashed by a joker landing on top of them.
Sounds like the bones in a group of humans, midgets, zombies, mutants, kittymorphs and the metal in several robots being crushed rather suddenly with a lot force, like a weighted joker box dropping down on them from a great height.
entry_of_the_jokers.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/21 18:02 by

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