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A slender and short Kittymorph, Buffy has developed quite an attachment to Improbable Island. This is due, perhaps, to her wild sense of adventure and wicked sense of humor. Or, more likely, because she can't get off the silly island.

Dressed in dark purple shorts and tank top, this black and white Kittymorph often goes without shoes. Her claws, you see, are tipped in gold and she thinks it would be a crime to cover them up. She has straight, shoulder-length red hair, through which her delicate ears peek, listening for any sign of danger. Her longer than average tail often stops her from falling from the tree she has chosen to sleep in that night.

About her neck is a jewelled choker. This bright piece of fancy often flashes and glitters in the afternoon sun.

Buffy can often be found roaming the trees of Improbable Island, her copper colored eyes searching for a snack of 3 French Hens or finding the next great leap to another tree. It could also be that she is looking for a new batch of catnip for her chocolate covered catnip ice cream.

On August 27th, 2009 she was wed to her beloved haykii in their clan hall.

She is a member of Clan QQQ.

buffy.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/21 18:02 by

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