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Inventory Overview

A character's Place-specific possessions are tracked using an INVENTORY system. Memory Chips are set aside to track WEAPON SLOTs, ARMOR, and GEAR SLOTS. When an INVENTORY page link is clicked, the system will check to see if there is a value associated in any of these Memories, and then depending on the value in a memory, display an appropriate page text description of the item carried. Each potential item has a unique ID number associated with it. Each item has multiple pages and associated page programs devoted to it for buying, selling, detecting and describing, or using the item, as appropriate. Each time the INVENTORY is checked, the character's stats are refreshed as well. This in effect resets one's HEALTH and any stats affected by BUFFs or DEBUFFs, and updates them for any items purchased or sold.

Purchasing a Melee Weapon

To Purchase a Melee Weapon, a character goes to a designated “shop” within the Place. As a programming aid to myself, I set aside additional separate rooms within the shop for the buying and selling of any weapon, armor or gear. You buy in the Buy Room, and Sell in the Sell Room. You don't have to do this, of course, but I am dumb and easily confused, and this made things easier for me to keep track of in my head. A program in the room checks to see if the value of WEAPON SLOT 1 is greater than zero. If it is, a page is displayed informing the player that they already have a melee weapon equipped, and that they will have to sell it before they can purchase a new one. Otherwise page links are shown which list general weapon options. Clicking one of these page links will in turn display specific weapons that may be purchased there if you have the money. I have found it important to do all buying and selling actions in a multiple step positive player action process due to the nature of how page refreshes can re-execute a clicked page link and any programs associated with it.

Once the purchase page link is clicked, a page program associated with that page link runs.

  • ROW 1 COLUMN 1: MEMORY LESS (Set to pass if the memory holding the ID number is zero, therefore, less than 1) ANY PASS
places/advtutviii/inventory_system.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/21 18:04 by

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