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This is a list of what I used as my baseline of Programming Resources to implement this Place Combat System. Your mileage may vary. One can easily add or subtract from this to meet their own Place needs.


I set aside memory chips for the following functions:

  1. CHARACTER DATA - The ONES digit of this memory contains the Player's Class as a number from 1 to 8. A zero in the ONES digit directs the player into the Class Select room from the starting room where they may choose a CLASS that increments the ONES digit to the necessary value for that class and issues the necessary memento to them. Players with a ONES digit greater than 0 bypass this room and enter the Place Hub to go on their adventures. A mechanism for changing one's CLASS is provided through page link programs that check the ONES digit and use a RUN PROGRAM to the desired Page program that increments the ONES digit to zero, strips them of their CLASS memento, and sends them to the Class Select room to choose a new class. The TENS digit is used to track the number of times a SPECIAL ABILITY has been used, and if desired, restrict them from further use during an encounter. In the Ring, this limit is set to 3. The HUNDREDS digit is set to a player's CLASS LEVEL. As players progress within the Place and do quests, they earn EXPERIENCE POINTS, which are incremented in the THOUSANDS, TEN THOUSANDS, and HUNDRED THOUSANDS digits. Spending EXPERIENCE POINTS in designated areas will increment the CLASS LEVEL in the HUNDREDS DIGIT, to a level of 9.
  2. CREDITS - In-Place “money” is tracked here. It is used for buying equipment for use inside the Place, for access to other locations and information, and for amusement/entertainment.
  3. MELEE ATTACK VALUE - the value which serves as a base for resolving a melee attack against a foe.
  4. RANGED ATTACK VALUE - the value which serves as a base for resolving a ranged attack against a foe.
  5. SPECIAL ABILITY VALUE - the value which serves as a base for resolving the use of SPECIAL ABILITIES.
  6. DEFENSE VALUE - the value which serves as a base for resolving foe attacks against the player character.
  7. HEALTH - a surrogate “hit points” system. Characters whose HEALTH has been reduced to zero may no longer engage in the encounter combat mechanic. Their status within Story at this point is solely up to their narrator, but this system will allow them to end the fight successfully anyway using the ABORT option, or, if they are presently equipped with GEAR that restores HEALTH, to trigger that item and get back into the fight. As one of my stated goals for this entire system was to inform a narrator's roleplaying rather than overriding it, the HEALTH system is Story flexible. One must restore some HEALTH before one can reenter the game's combat mechanic, however.
  8. ENCOUNTER FLAG - this value determines whether you have an encounter triggered or not, and because all encounters have unique ID numbers, exactly which FIGHT CARD is queued up in memory is available to those with Programming Key access to the Place.
  9. GLOBAL ENCOUNTER FLAG (1 through 5) - these are GLOBAL MEMORIES that will trigger encounters for anyone who enters a room set to look for a particular FIGHT CARD number that is present within the GLOBAL MEMORY.
  10. LOOT ID - this value determines which LOOT CARD will be run to resolve the end of an encounter.
  11. WEAPON SLOT 1 - this value determines the melee weapon (if any) presently equipped by the character.
  12. WEAPON SLOT 2 - this value determines the ranged weapon (if any) presently equipped by the character.
  13. WEAPON SLOT 3 - this value determines the special equipment (if any), usually related to one's CLASS, presently equipped by the character.
  14. ARMOR - this value determines the armor (if any) equipped by the character.
  15. GEAR SLOT (1 through 3) - the values in each GEAR SLOT determine what gear is presently equipped by the character in that slot.
  16. LOOT SLOT (1 through 3) - presently unused, but a transfer mechanism will be put in place so that items may be awarded during encounter resolution that may then be sold or equipped later.
  17. EVENT STATE (1 through 3) - used to determine conditionals for actions taken inside a Place, and as a safeguard to prevent a page link and its associated programs from being re-executed after any webpage refresh.
  18. MOOK 1 - this value determines the number of Mooks in the first group of enemies.
  19. MOOK 1 DIFFICULTY - this value determines the base Attack and Defense of the MOOK 1 group enemies for resolving combat actions.
  20. MOOK 2 - this value determines the number of Mooks in the second group of enemies. Having a second group of enemies allows for a separate difficulty value than the first, and can be represented in Story as being enemies who are a little stronger or weaker than the first group in some way.
  21. MOOK 2 DIFFICULTY - this value determines the base Attack and Defense of the MOOK 2 group enemies for resolving combat actions.
  22. BOSS HP - the number of “hit points” that must be reduced to zero to defeat a Boss character.
  23. BOSS DIFFICULTY - this value determines the base Attack and Defense of the Boss enemy. There is only one Boss level character in any given encounter. Adding more Bosses to a fight using this system is possible, but becomes even more resource prohibitive than it already is. For a total of 33 memory chips. As you can see, this is an expensive proposition to duplicate.


I will not belabor you with a complete list of C&Cs this will take. Suffice it to say, the version of this system constructed and in operation uses thousands of them. Yes, thousands. The ones you will need the most of are as follows, but in the end just about everything gets used at some point.

  • RUN PROGRAM (You will need dozens to hundreds of these, depending on the extent to which you wish to go with this)
  • SET MEMORY (Hundreds)
  • SET THOUGHT (Dozens to hundreds)
  • ROLL THOUGHT (Dozens to hundreds)
  • MEMORY EQUAL (Dozens to hundreds)
  • THOUGHT EQUAL (Dozens)
  • LINK TO PAGE (Hundreds)
  • SHOW PAGE (Hundreds)
  • MEMORY GREATER (Dozens to hundreds)
  • MEMORY LESSER (Dozens to hundreds)
places/advtutviii/initial_resources.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/21 18:04 by

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