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Epic Brawl! Rogers Vs Knox, Round 3!

It's time for a boss battle!

The scene is 2 South of Newhome on the beach one rainy afternoon. After his previous defeat of Birne's brother1) and sister2), Guy Rogers is challenged to a fight in Newhome. The two meet and prepare to settle the difference of the Knox family3) and Rogers himself once and for all!

The Players/Combatants

Idiot Robot Pilot Guy Rogers - A tiny4) man in a 5'11 robot. The robot is painted red and white and has a number of built in systems: most of which are off, of course. It's wearing a red scarf. Wielding: Fists of Justice!

Birne, comrade of Junior - A blonde with haunting green eyes. 16-17/5'5“ Wears jagged, demonic, metal armor with huge clawed gloves as weapons. Soft spoken, agile, deadly. Member of <TINC>

Battle On!

Guy Rogers arrives… from the south. After he left the outpost to the north. If that wasn't enough, he looks like he passed through a swamp on the way there. The island may play fast and loose with time and direction, but you can't help but wonder…

Birne does not question Guy's bizzare condition. It's strange when you look into his eyes. They're gentle, like a pacifist's, but framed in a killer's gaze. “Are you prepared?”

Guy Rogers' eyes, on the other hand, have tiny windshield wipers going back and forth. “I am always ready to protect justice!” He brushes a bit of gravel off him… wait, he went to the mountain? This is just getting confusing now.

Birne gives no futher warning. He moves in sharp, abrupt movements. He drops low to charge Guy head on, claws at the ready.

Guy Rogers throws caution to the wind, and charges as well. A 5'5” guy and a 5'11“ robot suit charging each other? This could end poorly.

Birne suddenly throws himself forward, doing a handsrping and leaping over Guy and sweeping his claws low to scrape at Guy's face if unavoided! Unlike his siblings, Birne's blades and armor are made of a substance for fighting machines!

Guy Rogers is shocked by the sudden leap, and fumbles at the controls, causing him to fall over forwards, just narrowly under Birne's claws. He lands with a thud, but is back on his feet soon enough. “Why can't I ever fight the sturdy ones?” He asks himself.

Birne ironically, is the 'strudiest' of the Knox triplets when armored. He lands and turns sharply, lunging a clawed hand straight toward the back of the armor's head again! Damn, he's quick!

Guy Rogers turns back to his foe and puts a bit of space between them. “So that's how you're gonna fight, is it? Jumping all over the place eh? Well, lets see if I can't do something about that!” His chestplate pops open revealing… a fan. He shouts “Chest Hurricaaaaaine!” as he activates the fan. Immediately, it springs to life, sending a fairly strong blast of wind towards Birne. A bit of sand gets blown around as well, but not as much as if it wasn't raining.

Birne… Sidesteps most of the little dirty tornado. Compared to his brother, Birne moves lightly over even the wetest sand with no issue and sends another claw jamming toward Guy's, er, windsheild.

Guy Rogers rears an arm back and, with a button press, it extends ever so slightly. He makes an attempt to hit Birne with a punch himself. He does this for two reasons: 1, it's easier to hit something coming straight at you, and 2, Guy's arms are longer.

Birne suddenly bends backwards and slides under Guy's arm when it appears. His boots slickly slide off the sand and he continues his momentum toward Guy. His claw attack stopped though, in his creepy jello-like dodge. He's made of rubber!!

Guy Rogers scowls, and shouts “Chest Hurricaaaaaaine!” as he starts up the fan again in an attempt to throw Birne off long enough to get a shot in.

Birne drops completely to the ground. He's about at Guy's feet (which stopped his momentum finally against Guy's shins). He rolls a bit on to his back and kicks straight up to try to smash Guy's fan clean off his chest.

Guy Rogers shuts the chest compartment, and attempts a daring maneuver: fall down on top of the guy. Makes a bit of sense to Guy. Birne seems more like the fast type than the strong type, and Guy is piloting a heavy robot. He shouts “Lets see how hard you can hit without any momentum!” as he falls in what is either a brilliant plan or an insanely idiotic one. In all likelihood, it's probably the latter.

Birne's legs in the air prevent him from dodging really well. He sort of sommersaults backwards ungracefully to narrowly avoid Guy's faint attack. It seems like every dodge and move this kid makes is an extremely lucky accident, not unlike Guy's own style.

Guy Rogers lands with a clunk, and pushes himself back up. “Really! Why can't they ever be the type that I can just start hitting!” He complains. He moves back into a fighting stance, hopefully ready for the next attack.

Birne also squirms back to his feet and also takes up a defensive stance. His bright eyes are scanning over Guy's armor, looking for a weak point to attack instead of blindly taking swings into the armor.

Guy Rogers stares down his opponent. Then, without any apparent thought or reason, he hits his thrusters, and launches himself towards Birne, shouting “Lets see how you like it!”

Birne makes no attempt to dodge. Instead, he braces, and waits for Guy to charge very close. Once he's close enough and got enough momentum to hopefully have difficulty turning, Birne makes one last jump-stab attempt for Guy's faceglass.

Guy Rogers was expecting this. “Try updating your targets sometime! Eye Laaaaaaaser!” He shouts, as he smashes a button. The robots eyes glow a deep red, and fire off lasers in what can only be described as an extremely cliche fashion. He grins, as he sees his beams working. He spent the better part of a month just trying to get those things back online. In the end, eye lasers are just one of those things every robot should have, you know?

Birne's eyes widen. He does not have his brother's expertise on mechs and didn't predict… Well, anything. The lasers defintely knick and burn his metal gloves a bit, but he did manage to duck and move mostly out of the way. Birne ducked down instead of to the side. It wasn't really well thought out, but saved him from clothes-lining.

(posts missing?)5)

Guy Rogers ends up sailing over Birne. He hits the sand and slows to a stop. Well, tries too. He ends up tumbling foward and flips over, landing flat on his back.

Birne isn't sure what he hit, if not Guy then. It must have been one of the near by shop buildings. Which he's now grinding his claws into. Well, this all looks terribly intelligent, what with the kid molesting a wall and the robot on it's face.

Guy Rogers sits up and slowly rises to his feet. “You've got guts, I'll give you that. Still, it's about time you learn why they call me the Crimson Tempest!” He pulls back an arm, and thrusts it forward in a punch. The fist detaches itself, and flies foward.

Birne gives Guy his wish, turning and standing firm to take the blow. He guards most of his body with his clawed hands, scrunching his torso behind them and preparing to let the fist smash into his metal-searing blades.

Guy Rogers raises an eyebrow. Usually his plans don't go this well. “Alright then, If you're taking it, then I'll just have to give it to you! Remote fist, Change!” Suddenly, the fist drops in altitude, and flies towards Birne at a lower angle.

Birne just drops to a squat, still guarding himself with his claws. He doesn't have time to wonder how that thing just changed trajectory.

Guy Rogers knows full well that with Birne's speed and flexibility, the element of surprise is the only thing that'll let him get in a good hit. Luckily for him, he's full of very useful devices. The fist flies directly into the claws and is, predictably, damaged. His fist, however, is still (mostly) in one piece and… Gripping one of the claws? “Time to dry you off. Activating shock protocol!”

Birne isn't entirely stupid. When the fist is lanched on his claws, he tries to get a grip on the fist too, which is easy when it's holding back. He then tries to fling it at the dirt and slash it. If he can jerk it off his own hand, he might avoid the shock!

Guy Rogers tightens his grip, but is eventually pulled free just as the shock goes off. However, it's still raining, and with how wet both Birne and the fist are at this point, Birne may not get off scott free.

Birne in the last seconds before the shock, hears a barely audible noise electronic devices make when powering up. Like that tiny whine your tv makes when turned on. His pupils shrink to pinpricks when he realizes what is happening. He suddenly jerks his shoulders right before the shock goes off. When visibility returns from the crackling shock-mess, it looks like Birne, er, fell to pieces all around the fist? Wait, that's not right… His armor is shed in pieces, piled on the ground. Birne himself is on top of the 7/24 building, panting in his street clothes. Under his serious demeanor and demonic armor, he's wearing a purple tunic, jeans, and lowtop sneakers.. Huh. Birne, who now looks like a shockingly normal, brooding loner teenager, looks down at what he just avoided, clearly alarmed. His vertical leap must be amazing. He does seem off guard right now, and technically unarmed…

Guy Rogers stares, unsure of what just happened. He slowly makes his way towards the fist, keeping his eyes on Birne. He reaches it, picks it up, and shoves it back into place. He flexes the hand a bit. It works, but only barely. He reaches down with his good hand, and picks up the armor, and starts throwing it at Birne: Not as if weaponizing it, but more of a toss. “Oy, put your D*mn clothes back on you idiot!”

Birne isn't remotely naked, just unarmored. He firmly catches the thrown shin piece. The armor shed from his body in many detached pieces, so it'd be hard to throw in one handful. Birne sets it down and hops off the building. He lands lightly, and hits the ground running! Oh god, he's even faster without armor! He's a blonde blur, launching a kick at Guy's chest in the blink of an eye!

Guy Rogers gets hit, and skids back a bit. “Of course he gets faster!” He shouts to himself. “And here I was trying to be honorable about it. Fine! Alright! Come at me! The faster you come, the harder I'll hit!” He starts trying to track Birne, but quickly realizes it's useless. He's just moving too fast. Instead, he just starts swinging his arms about wildly, hoping to hit him mid-movement.

Birne jumps onto another building top and watches Guy flail aimlessly. If Birne was a humorous guy, he'd probably laugh. Instead, he watches closely at the robot's movements, studying the joints.

Guy Rogers stops swinging when he notices the blur is gone. He looks around for Birne, not realizing he had reached another building top. “Ok Guy, he's too fast to hit, so how are you going to hit him?” He grumbles himself.

Birne leaps from the buildtop when Guy stops, pulling a small put potently sharp dagger from somewhere in his jacket. He's aiming to land directly ON Guy, to try and jam the blade into the area of his neck that allows the head to swivel.

Guy Rogers reaches it's arms tentavely out in front of it, then stops. “Ok, right. Lets see now…” He mumbles. Slowly, music starts to play from inside the robot.

Birne's small, lanky frame lands against Guy's back and holds himself in place by grabbing his shoulder with one hand. The other thrusts the blade as hard as he can toward Guy's neck, trying to hit something critical out of luck.

Guy Rogers's arms suddenly swivel back in an almost unnatural way, and grab at Birne's arm. Noticably, it doesn't seem like he's trying to stop the knife, so much as just grab the guy. The music is starting to pick up it's pace.

Birne notes the arms, and gets nervous. He gives up trying to stab Guy's neck instead, er, sort of crawling onto his face and trying to avoid those horrid electric arms. It's like having your cat perch on you face, but with sneakers.

Guy Rogers swings one of the arms back to make another grab at Birne. “You aren't strong, so you need to hit a joint. This entire fight you've been going mainly for my head, so why would not be any different!” The music launches into a heroic crescendo.

Birne is actually fairly strong, though not inhumanly so. He's just looking for the easiest way to disable a much stronger machine. He continues climbing around on Guy's face, comically.

Guy Rogers grins, and continues. “You're the fast type, so you weren't going to go head on, and you aren't that sturdy so you'll try to dodge everything that comes at you.” He reaches his armbehind Birnes back, and shouts “So dodge this! Eeeeeeye…” His eyes glow faintly moments before firing, and the music inside hits it's high point.

Birne's eyes widen again. Calling out attacks is probably not wise for Guy. On the 'eye' Birne immidiately knows what's coming. He does a handstand before the firing, and pushes off Guy's head in a backflip. He lands messily, but on his feet.

Guy Rogers grins. “Glad to see you can follow instructions!” He shouts. With Birne now off his face, he immediately rushes foward in an attempt to tackle the guy.

Birne has the reflexes of a housefly coupled with the agility of an invertibrate. Translation? A total bitch to target. He barrel rolls left on his shoulder, somehow finishing on his feet yet again. He springs toward Guy's back instantly, trying to jam his knife anywhere into Guy before he can dodge. So much for 'you won't attack directly,' eh?

Guy Rogers grins as the knife buries itself into his back. Almost an instant before it collided, however, it one is really listening, they might have heard a slight whine. Though, with the music blaring, it's not quite to easy to hear anymore.

Birne takes the shock with an audible gasp and a momentary freezing of his almost constant movement. Amazingly though, he doesn't fall or faint. He's seriously tougher than his siblings, still standing somehow after releasing the knife. He's burned though.

Guy Rogers has been waiting for the hyperactive chipmunk of a man to stop for a moment. His upper body and arm both swivel backwards as he reaches for the now-still Birne with intent to grab.

Birne didn't even scream in the shock, but still can't quite get his muscles to register a dodge. Feeling Guy's grip, he manages to speak for the first time since the battle began: “Robots.. Mindless clockwork that needs to expend no energy in the merciless slaughter of the organic. Utterly atrocious. Even father disliked them, and he has no qualm with mass bloodshed.”

Guy Rogers is silent for a moment before shutting off the shock. He squeezes tight to make sure Birne can't get free, then pulls him around to his front. The music has died down a bit by now, as he says “Now you listen and listen good… “First off, no matter what you say, I'd never let myself kill an innocent. You said I fought your brother and sister? Then they're still alive now, and if you have time to come seeking revenge, you're better off using it to protect them.

Second, I don't know your father, but realize that if I ever meet a man like you describe, he will be in jail by the end of the day. And third…” A tiny hatch just above the chest opens, revealing just a sliver of Guy's head inside. He rears his other arm back as he says “I'm no robot. Now, grit your teeth and learn some manners!” Still holding Birne down, he launches his other arm straight towards his face with enough force behind it to send even a large man flying.

Birne's muscles started obeying again in the time Guy was monologuing. The moment one hand releases one side of his body, his sharp reflexes kick in. In the fight, they've moved toward his pile of armor. His leg hooks one of his clawed gauntlets, swinging it up into his waiting hand on his free side. He holds it like a seperate weapon, and attempts to ram the stiff claws into the opening where the real Guy sits. His eyes have a blank and dead look that imply it's been trained into his very being not to stop fighting until he physically can't keep going. He's not giving this up, not matter what Guy says.

Guy Rogers ducks, just in time to dodge a very sharp piece of metal that would have likely decapitated him. Birne however forgot one thing: Guy's fist was still moving forward, and while Birne certainly was able to land a very good strike, he never really dodged.

Birne didn't forget, it was more of a suicide manuver. The punch of course, knocks him flying acrossed the beach. For once, he does not land on his feet.

Guy Rogers meanwhile just sort of stands there, a piece of metal jutting out of his chest. Though it didn't hit Guy himself, it did do some pretty bad damage to the robot's inner systems. “Oh, wonderful.” He says, crouched over in the cockpit. He's able to move a bit and manages to yank the metal out of his chest. As he does, from his sparking and damaged cockpit, he looks over at Birne. Then, claw in hand, he walks over to Birne's body. His progress is slow, though, and the hatch in the front has been jammed open and, like most other parts of the robot, badly damaged. Eventually, he stands over Birne. He drops the claw into the sand next to Birne. It sticks out of the ground like a marker. “Clever. Dumb, but clever.” He says, as if he were one to talk. “Now get out of here. I'm sure you've got better things to do than revenge anyway.” He slowly turns away, and starts heading back to the relative safety of the outpost to do some repairs. Of course, it's taking him quite a while to get anywhere.

Birne's bruised and bloodied face is down in the sand, and his skin heavily scorched. Yet, pain seems to mean nothing to him, not unlike many of the zombies of the island. Then, like a horror movie monster, HE GETS UP AGAIN, jumps up really, and lands running once more! Producing another dagger, he dashes in front of the slow moving mech and flings the smal knife like a throwing dart sharply into the damaged pilot's hatch. Unmerciful hell, he REALLY doesn't know when to give up.

Guy Rogers… doesn't seem to be in the hatch anymore. Instead, he's crawlling about the robot as it proceeds forward on a sort of autopilot. The robot keeps moving, the metal now back where it was. He does hear the thunk, but doesn't realize what it means yet.

Birne's battered form visibly looks a little disappointed when his last-ditch attempt fails and the mech keeps moving. He can't see the little man anymore, and tries to stay on his guard in case it's out and after him. The mech makes a brilliant decoy.

Guy Rogers finishes rerouting a bit of power, and starts to climb back up. When he notices the metal, he sighs. “D*mn, you don't know when to give up, do you?” He says, as he reaches for the controls.

Birne is annoyed with how hard he's breathing, feeling like it's detracting from his senses. Of course, it's a warning of how beaten up he is, along with the purple bruises and twitching muscles. He's still standing though!

Guy Rogers hits a few buttons, and his left fist starts to rotate. “Even after all that, the speech, the hit, the message, you're still up? You've got guts, but you don't seem to care about them. Tell me, what'll happen to your siblings if you die, huh?”

Birne pants a while. “I have to take that risk. I can't let a second encounter with you, kill them. I am a deserted soldier, an expendable pawn from the begining. Vince and Jake can look after them when I'm gone.”

Guy Rogers shouts “Nobody's expendable! Not on my watch! So watch me drill this into your head! You're going to live today, you're going back to your siblings, and you'll protect them! You'll tell them to not pick fights with me, and to help each other!I don't care what you think, but I'm not going to kill you or them! But, if you won't stop trying to fight, then I'm just going to have to knock some more sense into you!” His fist has picked up speed, and is now rotating at a considerable rate. He shouts out “Let my fist pass on my passion, my justice, my desire to see you live! One last time, grit those teeth of yours and listen to my message!” Even though sluggish, he still manages to pull back, and release a fairly good punch.

Birne mutters calmly, “Something my law-abiding, honored, military general father taught me that I actually agree with: The words of your enemy are not worth the breath spoken on.” One eye swollen shut, he flings 2 more knives with poor aim, then dashes right.

Guy Rogers winces as he misses and the knives embed themselves in the armor. He turns to face in Birne's general direction again, and tries to hit him again. “If you won't listen to my words, then listen to my soul, traveling through my fists!”

Birne seems to finally be annoyed, answering Guy's speech. “Face me with your real hands instead of a coward's mechanical facade, and I might hear your soul!” He backflips when Guy charges again, trying to drop kick him on the way to the ground.

Guy Rogers gets hit with the kick and is knocked over onto his back. “Fool! This is no facade, this is the armor over my spirit! It is an extension of myself: more than a weapon, it's fists are my own!” he slowly pushes himself back up as he continues shouting, “I don't care what you think of me, if you think I'm a coward, a villain, or whatever. No, this isn't about me anymore, it's all you now. I see you for what you are, a man desperately searching for a purpose, a reason, a sense of self.”

Birne takes advantage of Guy's downtime to return to his armor and pick up the remaining claw gaunlet. He re-fastens it to his left arm (the right glove being stuck in the sand out of the way of course), and re-arms himself with more than daggers. He then calmly retorts, “I know my purpose. I protect my world from the darkness what would choke out all hope. And I'd give up anything for my brother and sister. Because I am one of the Knox Triplets, that is my self.” He points a claw at him once more. “You are a threat, a darkness in this world exacting your unwanted, vigilante 'justice' on people's lives. Disposing of you would do this world a favor.” His ungloved hand is moving oddly.

Guy Rogers grins. “You think I'm a villain, somebody who'd go on a rampage without a reason. Funny though, I think the same thing about you. You're calm, collected, and too cool about killing to be sane, Y'know?” He raises his spinning fist one more time. “But I guess that's the thing? Two people clashing, desperately trying to prove that they're right, that they're just. Oh, I know I'm a hero, just like you know you're doing the right thing.” He takes a stance. “My name is Guy Rogers, the Crimson Tempest. My duty is to protect others from evil, and if that means giving up my life, then I guess that'll have to do. See? Similar, isn't it? So lets do this one last time. Let's see who's right.”

Birne shakes his head. “No, I don't think of you as a villain, just a threat. How you view me, I do not even pretend to care. I only know my mission.” His jerky hand was of course pulling out more knives, these ones with melting hot blades for some reason

Guy Rogers starts to charge Birne. “I'll show you how I view you, and you'll do the same! Hurricaine punch, show this man my sense of Justice! Break open that shell, and let the truth show through!” He brings up his spinning fist for another punch.

Birne throws the red-hot knives at Guy when charges. He feints right to charge Guy as well with his clawed hand, for the last quick-draw blow.

Guy Rogers brings his fist around to Birne, with little regard for the clawed hand. Neither seems to have enough strength left for dodging, Birne's badly beat up and Guy's robot is on the verge of a meltdown. One last shot is all that's left.

Birne's claw jams into te side of the cockpit, but misses Guy, hand too weak and shakey to aim. He drags the blade along the armor, pulling it up a bit and adding to the damage and he's sent spiraling into the sand.

Guy Rogers's fist, after what seems like an eternity, collides with Birne's head once more. It doesn't have the same strength it did before, but at this point it doesn't need it. The robot pitches forward on the followthrough , landing face down in the sand, driving the claw left in the chest straight through, opening a hole in the back.

Birne is still horribly conscious, mind racing with tactics. His body however, can get no further than pushing his upper body up from the ground. His legs can't seem to support him. He's seeing stars and can't focus his eyes on Guy.

Guy Rogers pushes open the back hatch, and climbs out, looking at Birne. For his part, Guy didn't get through all that unscathed. There are burns on his back from the fried wires, cuts all over him from debree, bruises from getting tossed around…

Birne can't open either eye now, but he's still awake. He rolls limply from his stomach to his back to speak to Guy. He can hear the little man, still scurrying about. “Just do me one favor, will you?” Interesting change of demeanor…

Tired Idiot Guy Rogers of course has the usual “blood from the mouth” everybody in his situation usually gets… But more than anything, he's exhausted, mentally and physically. He turns to face Birne. “I hear you…”

Birne continues, “Two, actually. Most important… Please, just leave my family alone. We aren't saints, but they don't deserve to die… Seconly, please leave my armor alone. I cannot return to the place where it was forged to get a new one.”

Guy Rogers sighs. “Idiot, I told you. I'm not letting anybody die.” He leaps off of his robot, and starts heading northward, towards the medical tents. A short while later, some doctors should be showing up.

Birne lies silently in the warm sun of the drying sand when he hears Guy leave him behind. He's glad he's not in his armor actually, or it'd be so damn hot.. An orange sounds really good right now. Big juicey navel. Yep. He will be gone by time the doctors arrive. Behind he'll leave bloody sand, face prints, and strange scrapes from his armor. But he's too pridey to sit around and wait for the medics… To mysterious too, prefering a secret exit…

Final Notes!

Unfortunately, this was the only battle I thought to log. The first fight with Alvin Knox was also pretty cool, and the fight with Merlia the sister was actually an accidental electrocution in Newhome.

This scene actually was us writng for around three hours! I had no idea it was going to go on that long, but it was extremely fun to write! That's why I saved it. :)

Alvin started it, to be fair. It was not Guy's fault.
Again, not Guy's fault. Merlia came to 'avenge' Alvin's loss but was refused a battle since Guy would not fight a woman. She attacked anyway, getting her blade lodged into his mech. He was working on the machine at the time, and accidentally electrocuted her, knocking her unconscious.
And by 'tiny' I mean literally only a couple inches tall.
This part got confusing, some posts were GREM'd and the conversation got slightly out of sequence.
battle_log/guy_rogers_vs._birne_knox.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/21 18:04 by

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