The Prancing SpiderKitty

Part inn and part tavern, this pub is one of the crown jewels of the city's social life. Here you'll find a veritable Who's Who of the city's nightlife: Emily the Serving Wench, Seth the Bard, Dan1) the Bartender, Dag the Bounty Hunter. Looking for a quiet, safe place to spend the night? Ask for a room. Looking to get married without the nuisance of finding another contestant who will agree, much less the cost of making the trip to Kittania and buying a ring? Ask Emily or Seth.2) Looking for a refreshing pitcher of ale, or the latest rumors, or are you interested in winning the lottery? Talk to Dan.3) You can also talk to Dag about the latest bounty list or place a bounty on someone you want to see roughed up but are too chicken to do yourself4). Feeling lucky? Try your luck at the Baccy Bandit. There's lots to see and do at the Prancing SpiderKitty, so be sure to spend some time looking around and come back often.5)

Dan serves a variety of drinks, but by far the best one is the Gargleblaster.

They're desperate to please. ;-)
Word is, Dan can also be bribed, but we are too polite to ask about such things for this guide. Taking bribes is wrong.
Like that ex of yours.
and get drunk. Very drunk.