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start [2023/11/22 15:40] cavemanjoestart [2023/11/22 15:41] (current) cavemanjoe
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 The NEW Improbable Island Wiki is at [[]].  This is the OLD Improbable Island Wiki, and you can't touch it, nyah. The NEW Improbable Island Wiki is at [[]].  This is the OLD Improbable Island Wiki, and you can't touch it, nyah.
-In 2023 we did a server move, and decided to salvage the Wiki from the wreckage of the Enquirer.  The old wiki, having existed in an extremely buggy and borderline-usable state for several years, was pretty out of date - our choices were to either bring back the wiki as it was and give ourselves a lot of out-of-date info to clean up, or preserve the old wiki for historical purposes and let folk copy-paste the still-useful stuff into a brand new shiny wiki.  Following consultation with the Beasts of Banter, we decided the split-Wiki approach was the best way toblah blah blah whatever, what would a politician say, //bring Improbable Island forward into a bright new future while preserving our heritage and history,// something like that.+In 2023 we did a server move, and decided to salvage the Wiki from the wreckage of the Enquirer.  The old wiki, having existed in an extremely buggy and borderline-usable state for several years, was pretty out of date - our choices were to either bring back the wiki as it was and give ourselves a lot of out-of-date info to clean up, or preserve the old wiki for historical purposes and let folk copy-paste the still-useful stuff into a brand new shiny wiki.  Following consultation with the Beasts of Banter, we decided the split-Wiki approach was the best way to blah blah blah whatever, what would a politician say, //bring Improbable Island forward into a bright new future while preserving our heritage and history,// something like that.
 Anyway this is read-only so you can't change any pages, the cringey bollocks you wrote in 2009 is here forever now, good thing we told you not to put your real name on it huh, eat shit facebook Anyway this is read-only so you can't change any pages, the cringey bollocks you wrote in 2009 is here forever now, good thing we told you not to put your real name on it huh, eat shit facebook
start.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/22 15:41 by cavemanjoe

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