Very slightly taller than an average Human 13), Trex has slightly tanned skin and wears a close fitting short-sleeved black t-shirt that looks like it may have at some point had white writing on it but is now just a mess of white flecks and what seem to be combat trousers. Trex also carries a backpack around with his possessions inside. Upon closer inspection a fair number of healed over scars are visible on Trex's lower arms 14), also barely visible at the end of the right sleeve of Trex's t-shirt are the paws of a tiger tattoo 15). Upon Trex's neck are two well healed scars that extend almost all way from the throat to the jugular 16).
Of average height and build for a Kittymorph 17), not much stands out about Trex at first glance. A short fur breed, she has black fur everywhere apart from three places: the end of the tail and two shocks of fur upon the neck 18), one on either side. All three places have white fur. Upon closer inspection however you would notice a patch of black fur around her right shoulder that is slightly lighter than that surrounding it, underneath that fur you would find Trex's lone tattoo, that of a tiger. In this form Trex does not wear anything at all save for the backpack that contains all of the possessions that he owns 19).
Now here is a sight: Standing before you20)21)is Trex. Beautiful and Handome, with smooth tanned skin. A charmers grin graces a perfectly formed face, slight muscle mass in all the right places, a cat tail of luxurious black fur and cat eyes that sparkle with sweet promises. What detracts from the whole of this though is the attire. Head to toe Trex is wearing the most unflattering shade of yellow imaginable. You are not sure quite how, but he seems to have condensed the essence of phlegm into a dye and used it on every conceivable piece of clothing worn. Good God he has bad dress sense. 22)
Now here is a sight: Standing before you is Trexa. Beautiful and Sexy, with smooth tanned skin. A sultry grin graces a perfectly formed face, slight muscle mass in all the right places, a cat tail of luxurious black fur and cat eyes that sparkle with sweet promises. She wears a very nice ensemble of clothes. A black leather corset holds her C cup cleavage in place, while a knee length black pleated skirt covers her legs. Completing the ensemble are elbow length black gloves and thigh high black leather boots. 23)
Slightly taller than her Joker form 24), the Hellequin form makes for an imposing first sight. Clad in black leathers with a red trim, her alabaster skin is pale in comparison. A chequered red and black mask with golden filigree edging covers the upper half of her perfectly smooth face leaving her black eyes and red iris in deep shadow. On either side of her neck there are well healed scars. Her cat tail twitches in time with her steps as she grins and starts to walk over to you.
Description Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You25)
A blond haired beauty of a woman. She wears bronze coloured armour that protects her neck, shoulders, partially covers her chest, her hips and her upper legs. A helmet covers her eyes but she can still see due to her supernatural form. Bronzed metallic wings float behind her, spread as if mimicking a Valkyrie in flight, she holds the spear Gungnir in one hand and the sword Zantetsuken in the other. She is obviously a warrior maiden of Odin Allfather.
An amorphous fog of swirling green energies that seems to be able to hear you even without ears and see you without any eyes. It pulses and shifts, form never settling as it moves, but always vaguely humanoid. Arcs and flashes of improbability are both its main weapon and armour and it seems to have ample amounts of improbability to draw from. Being created in an explosion of twenty Improbability Bombs can do that to a being it seems.
Trex's Joker deck, the Green deck seems to have a mind of it's own sometimes. Having had it since he became a Joker it is only recently that he has started to use it in his own unique way. Though perhaps that has more to do with the fact the Deck has grown bored of being just a standard deck 36). So far his deck has grown an extra suit, the suit of Stars, and each card of each suit has been looking for someone on the Island to represent them.37)
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