Time travel is the method of moving one's self through the dimension of time. Technically, everyone can do it. Only special people can control it. On the Island, time seems to flow in stable loops 1)2)3) 4)5)6) 7)8)9)10)11)12)13).
Known Time Travelers
Full Metal Lion
That guy, you know that guy, says he's half-paradox, oh, what's his name, it's right on the tip of my tongue…wait, what? What are you talking about. I never said that. That never happened.
All of the Zombies on the Island
Open Time Loops
As a matter of common courtesy, please close your Time Loops at some point, at least off-screen. Possibly before S3.
Closed Loops
The expression “doesn't always have a knife full of drawers” was used by FML the Elder in a conversation with Ambra, and he may have picked it up from Ambra quoting him.
Full Metal Lion gave himself his own time-travel watch, but neglected to arrange for a ride home for himself, meaning that Full Metal Lion the Elder (him, plus an unspecified number of years) was bopping about the Island for a while.