The Online-O-Meter 9000TM
Here's a simple list of what the colors of the status bar indicates!
Sample | Color | HTML code | What mean |
Green | #009900 | This color means the person is online and currently in a room where this chat is visible! | |
Orange | #cc6600 | This color means the person is online but is not currently in a room where this chat is visible. | |
Red | #cc0000 | This color means the person is currently not online. | |
Grey/gray | #505050 | This color means the person has used the chat commands /afk or /brb or /tea and has not yet come back! | |
Dark bluish | #005599 | This color means the person has used the chat command /dni1). It is common practice for this to be used when people are in a private scene. It might be best to ask to join a scene if someone is using this color! | |
Purplish | #aa00aa | This color means the person has used the chat command /ttm2). This generally means the person feels in the mood to talk! Or, perhaps, Roleplay. Or it could simply be used because they like the color. Ask them and find out! |