Table of Contents


After the player has selected a Target Group link, every allowed combat action for them is displayed along the sidebar as a series of links. Each Target Group has duplicate pages of the melee and ranged combat links, delineated by their page title with a 1) for MOOK 1 group, 2) for MOOK 2 group, and 3) for the BOSS. In the case of non-target specific SPECIAL ABILITIES, there is no designating number at the start of the page title. Furthermore, SPECIAL ABILITIES have page titles using the color code associated with that character CLASS, and are displayed in ALL CAPS to help distinguish them from regular combat actions.

Each page link initiates a combat action against the targeted group when clicked.


This program is initiated by clicking the Normal Melee Attack Option for the selected target group. Each option is a separate program. For this example I will show the normal melee attack program versus MOOK 1 and for BOSSES.

The MOOK 1 Normal Melee and MOOK 2 Normal Melee programs are identical in all respects except for the memories used. The MOOK 1 program uses the MOOK 1 and MOOK 1 Difficulty memories, and the MOOK 2 program uses the MOOK 2 and MOOK 2 Difficulty memories. The program is four columns wide and five rows deep.


If the player's ATTACK was less than the MOOK's DEFENSE, then the player has failed to eliminate any mooks with their action and the program MOOK 1 MISS is run. This is identical to the MOOK 2 MISS and BOSS MISS programs that would be run for actions against those target groups, except where they will reference different counterattack programs.


If the player fails to hit a MOOK, or successfully attacks, but does not eliminate all of the remaining MOOKS in that target group, there will be a surviving MOOK counterattack. Only one counterattack is made regardless of how many MOOKS remain in that target group. This is done as much for streamlining the fight as it is for my own personal storytelling aesthetics. MOOKS are there to fall like bowling pins at the hands of the heroes, and while there is a chance for the MOOKS to overwhelm weaker or less well equipped characters through sheer numbers, it should be a small one.

This program is four columns by five rows in size.


If the MOOKS of MOOK 1 group successfully counterattack the player, they will do damage to the player using this program. MOOK 2 MOOKS are intended to be stronger than MOOK 1 MOOKS, and would run the TIER 2 DAMAGE program instead in the MOOK 2 COUNTERATTACK program.