Table of Contents


This is the heart of the Combat System, a program called COMBAT CORE. The COMBAT CORE program is three columns by five rows, and is arranged as follows:


The MOOK 1, MOOK 2, and BOSS FIGHT CORE programs are effectively identical. All of the FIGHT CORES check to see if that fighting group is still a factor in the encounter, and if so, shows Page Links to target that group. An eliminated group will not be shown as a target option.


Every possible combat option deployable against the MOOK 1 group is displayed through this program. It is a large grid of 7 rows and 8 columns. This Program and all of its subordinate programs are duplicated for the MOOK 2 group under the SHOW MOOK 2 FIGHT OPTIONS program.

This Program is run by the applicable FIGHT OPTIONS program when a target group is selected. If the ONES digit in the CHARACTER DATA memory equals the necessary value (In the case of the SPACE ACE CLASS, this value is 1) and the number of times a SPECIAL ABILITY has been used in this encounter has not been exceeded (in this case not more than twice), then the page links to display SPACE ACE SPECIAL ABILITIES will be displayed.

This program is run by MOOK 1 FIGHT OPTIONS program when the MOOK 1 target group has been selected. If the ONES digit in the CHARACTER DATA memory equals the necessary value (In the case of the SPACE ACE CLASS, this value is 1) and the number of times a SPECIAL ABILITY has been used in this encounter has not been exceeded (in this case not more than twice), then the page links to display SPACE ACE SPECIAL ABILITIES against MOOK 1 will be displayed.

This program is run by BOSS FIGHT OPTIONS program when the BOSS target group has been selected. If the ONES digit in the CHARACTER DATA memory equals the necessary value (In the case of the SPACE ACE CLASS, this value is 1) and the number of times a SPECIAL ABILITY has been used in this encounter has not been exceeded (in this case not more than twice), then the page links to display SPACE ACE SPECIAL ABILITIES against BOSSES will be displayed.