Our House - the #1 GERM Bingo Hall anthem!

Performed by Sink's Wireless
Music by Madness, words by SinkOrSwim

The Wireless crackles into life, and a disembodied voice stutters out. “Erm, is this thing on? Alright? Let's do it. 1, 2, 3, 4.” The music pours forth, a blast from the past, the 1980s to be exact, saxophone riffs from another era. Then the voice again:

“Bernard wears his Sunday best.
Merlin's tired, she needs a rest: Bishop's digging stuff up downstairs.
Sink is yapping in his sleep.
Lo has found some bunnies to eat, he can't hang around.

Our house, in the middle of our street - Our house, in the middle of our. . .

Our house it has a crown:
There's always something happening, and it's usually quite loud.
Dex just can't be slowed down.
G_rock's lost in her dust cloud, pirate Ari's feeling proud

Our house, in the middle of our street - Our house, in the middle of our. . .
(Someone dares you to try and find all the rooms in it)

Dave has lost his hat again.
Kestrel's trying to stay sane, Callia's cleaning all her tools
Talon's immersed in some physics.
Fergus is permanently pissed, and Fred's uncouth.

Our house, in the middle of our street - Our house, in the middle of our. . .

I remember way back when, this was just a plot of land:
We would bring all the stones and logs to build it, we built it.
But I don't remember yesterday, think we drank the night away,
and ended up, somewhere down the back of the sofa. Was there a gopher?

Tor is on another quest.
Jade is dancing, no time to rest, Althea's brewing stuff downstairs.
Reverb's singing in her sleep.
The third floor lavs have sprung a leak, best not hang around.

Our house, in the middle of our street - Our house, in the middle of our. . .
Our house, Kit is on the hunt for tea - Our house, in the middle of our. . .
Our house, it's our Bingo Hall retreat - Our house, in the middle of our. . .
Our house, we got lost in it last week - Our house, in the middle of our. . .”