Table of Contents


Version 2

Version 2 is just like Version 1, but automatically submits to Buddleia's tracker.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           ii-council
// @namespace
// @description    harvest the council status and upload it
// @match          http://**
// @version        2
// @author         die fledermaus and Full Metal Lion
// @icon 
// @grant          none
// ==/UserScript==
// console.log("running council.js");
var maths  = Math;
var filters= [ "//div[@class='maincolumn']"     ,
               "//td[@class='content']"         ,
               "//fieldset/div[@class='block']" ,
               "//body" ];
var divs   = null;
var status = /^.*(AceHigh|Cyber City 404|Improbable Central|Kittania|New(?: Pittsburgh|Home)|(?:Pleasantvil|Squat Ho)le):\s*([^()]+)\s+.*\(([0-9,]+) .*?\).*$/mg;
var cities = { "acehigh"            : "ah" ,
               "cyber city 404"     : "cc" ,
               "improbable central" : "ic" ,
               "kittania"           : "kt" ,
               "new pittsburgh"     : "np" ,
               "newhome"            : "nh" ,
               "pleasantville"      : "pv" ,
               "squat hole"         : "sh" };
var activity = { "peaceful days"      : 0,
                 "quiet times"        : 1,
                 "minor activity"     : 2,
                 "guarded atmosphere" : 3,
                 "increased activity" : 4,
                 "assistance required": 5,
                 "critical situation" : 6,
                 "interesting times"  : 7 };
var iiform_map = { "ic" : ""  ,
                   "cc" : ""  ,
                   "nh" : ""  ,
                   "kt" : ""  ,
                   "np" : ""  ,
                   "pv" : "" ,
                   "sh" : "" ,
                   "ah" : "" };
var time = maths.round( / 1000 );
for( var x = 0; x < filters.length; x++ )
    var filter = filters[x];
    divs = document.evaluate( filter, document, null,
                              null );
    if(divs.snapshotLength > 0)
// console.log("council.js - inspecting " + divs.snapshotLength + " nodes");
for( var i = 0; i < divs.snapshotLength; i++ )
    var node = divs.snapshotItem( i );
    var text = node.textContent;
    var stat = null;
    var send = false;
    var gsxform = { 'pageNumber' : 0       ,
                    'submit'     : 'Submit',
                    'backupCache': ''      };
    var fled = document.createElement( 'form' );
    var budd = document.createElement( 'form' );
    fled.setAttribute( 'method' , 'post' );
    fled.setAttribute( 'enctype', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' );
    fled.setAttribute( 'action' , '' );
    fled.setAttribute( 'target' , 'ii-council-upload' );
    budd.setAttribute( 'method' , 'post' );
    budd.setAttribute( 'enctype', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' );
    //dd.setAttribute( 'action' , ';theme=0AX42CRMsmRFbUy1iOGYwN2U2Mi1hNWU0LTRlNjEtYWMyOC1lZmU4ODg1ODc1ODI&amp;ifq' );
    budd.setAttribute( 'action' , ';theme=0AX42CRMsmRFbUy1iOGYwN2U2Mi1hNWU0LTRlNjEtYWMyOC1lZmU4ODg1ODc1ODI&amp;ifq' );
    budd.setAttribute( 'target' , 'ii-council-upload' );
    var broken  = false; 
    var bleargh = 0;
    // console.log( "council.js - comparing [" + text + "] against " + status );
    while( stat = status.exec(text) )
        var city  = stat[1];
        var desc  = stat[2];
        var level = activity[ desc.toLowerCase() ];
        var wall  = stat[3].replace(/,/g,'') * 1;
        var code  = cities[ city.toLowerCase() ];
        // just in case we get a runaway:
        if( bleargh++ > 100 )
            broken = true;
        // console.log("council.js - " + city + '/' + code + '/' +  desc + '/' +  level + '/' + wall );
        if( code )
            var input = document.createElement( 'input' );
            input.setAttribute( 'type' , 'hidden' );
            input.setAttribute( 'value',  city + ',' + level + ',' + wall );
            input.setAttribute( 'name' , code );
            fled.appendChild( input );
            send = true;
            gsxform[ iiform_map[code] ] = 
                level + 1 + (((level == 7) && (wall == 0)) ? 1 : 0);
    if( broken )
    for( key in gsxform )
        var input = document.createElement( 'input' );
        input.setAttribute( 'type' , 'hidden' );
        input.setAttribute( 'value', gsxform[key] );
        input.setAttribute( 'name' , key );
        budd.appendChild( input );
    if( send )
        var spacer = document.createElement( 'hr'    );
        var submit = document.createElement( 'input' );
        var submi2 = document.createElement( 'input' );
        var stamp  = document.createElement( 'input' );
        node.appendChild( spacer );
        stamp.setAttribute( 'type' , 'hidden' );
        stamp.setAttribute( 'value',  time    );
        stamp.setAttribute( 'name' , 'time'   );
        submit.setAttribute( 'type' , 'submit' );
        submit.setAttribute( 'value', 'Send to fledermaus' );
        fled.appendChild( stamp  );
        fled.appendChild( submit );
        node.appendChild( fled   );
        submi2.setAttribute( 'type' , 'submit' );
        submi2.setAttribute( 'value', 'Send to Buddleia' );
        budd.appendChild( submi2 );
        node.appendChild( budd   );

Version 1

// ==UserScript==
// @name           ii-council
// @namespace
// @description    harvest the council status and upload it
// @include*
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==
// GM_log("running council.js");
var maths  = Math;
var filters= [ "//div[@class='maincolumn']"     ,
               "//td[@class='content']"         ,
               "//fieldset/div[@class='block']" ,
               "//body" ];
var divs   = null;
var status = /^.*(AceHigh|Cyber City 404|Improbable Central|Kittania|New(?: Pittsburgh|Home)|(?:Pleasantvil|Squat Ho)le):\s*([^()]+)\s+.*\(([0-9,]+) .*?\).*$/mg;
var cities = { "acehigh"            : "ah" ,
               "cyber city 404"     : "cc" ,
               "improbable central" : "ic" ,
               "kittania"           : "kt" ,
               "new pittsburgh"     : "np" ,
               "newhome"            : "nh" ,
               "pleasantville"      : "pv" ,
               "squat hole"         : "sh" };
var activity = { "peaceful days"      : 0,
                 "quiet times"        : 1,
                 "minor activity"     : 2,
                 "guarded atmosphere" : 3,
                 "increased activity" : 4,
                 "assistance required": 5,
                 "critical situation" : 6,
                 "interesting times"  : 7 };
var iiform_map = { "ic" : ""  ,
                   "cc" : ""  ,
                   "nh" : ""  ,
                   "kt" : ""  ,
                   "np" : ""  ,
                   "pv" : "" ,
                   "sh" : "" ,
                   "ah" : "" };
var time = maths.round( / 1000 );
for( var x = 0; x < filters.length; x++ )
    var filter = filters[x];
    divs = document.evaluate( filter, document, null,
                              null );
    if(divs.snapshotLength > 0)
// GM_log("council.js - inspecting " + divs.snapshotLength + " nodes");
for( var i = 0; i < divs.snapshotLength; i++ )
    var node = divs.snapshotItem( i );
    var text = node.textContent;
    var stat = null;
    var send = false;
    var gsxform = { 'pageNumber' : 0       ,
                    'submit'     : 'Submit',
                    'backupCache': ''      };
    var fled = document.createElement( 'form' );
    var budd = document.createElement( 'form' );
    fled.setAttribute( 'method' , 'post' );
    fled.setAttribute( 'enctype', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' );
    fled.setAttribute( 'action' , '' );
    fled.setAttribute( 'target' , 'ii-council-upload' );
    budd.setAttribute( 'method' , 'post' );
    budd.setAttribute( 'enctype', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' );
    //dd.setAttribute( 'action' , ';theme=0AX42CRMsmRFbUy1iOGYwN2U2Mi1hNWU0LTRlNjEtYWMyOC1lZmU4ODg1ODc1ODI&amp;ifq' );
    budd.setAttribute( 'action' , ';theme=0AX42CRMsmRFbUy1iOGYwN2U2Mi1hNWU0LTRlNjEtYWMyOC1lZmU4ODg1ODc1ODI&amp;ifq' );
    budd.setAttribute( 'target' , 'ii-council-upload' );
    var broken  = false; 
    var bleargh = 0;
    // GM_log( "council.js - comparing [" + text + "] against " + status );
    while( stat = status.exec(text) )
        var city  = stat[1];
        var desc  = stat[2];
        var level = activity[ desc.toLowerCase() ];
        var wall  = stat[3].replace(/,/g,'') * 1;
        var code  = cities[ city.toLowerCase() ];
        // just in case we get a runaway:
        if( bleargh++ > 100 )
            broken = true;
        // GM_log("council.js - " + city + '/' + code + '/' +  desc + '/' +  level + '/' + wall );
        if( code )
            var input = document.createElement( 'input' );
            input.setAttribute( 'type' , 'hidden' );
            input.setAttribute( 'value',  city + ',' + level + ',' + wall );
            input.setAttribute( 'name' , code );
            fled.appendChild( input );
            send = true;
            gsxform[ iiform_map[code] ] = 
                level + 1 + (((level == 7) && (wall == 0)) ? 1 : 0);
    if( broken )
    for( key in gsxform )
        var input = document.createElement( 'input' );
        input.setAttribute( 'type' , 'hidden' );
        input.setAttribute( 'value', gsxform[key] );
        input.setAttribute( 'name' , key );
        budd.appendChild( input );
    if( send )
        var spacer = document.createElement( 'hr'    );
        var submit = document.createElement( 'input' );
        var submi2 = document.createElement( 'input' );
        var stamp  = document.createElement( 'input' );
        node.appendChild( spacer );
        stamp.setAttribute( 'type' , 'hidden' );
        stamp.setAttribute( 'value',  time    );
        stamp.setAttribute( 'name' , 'time'   );
        submit.setAttribute( 'type' , 'submit' );
        submit.setAttribute( 'value', 'Send to fledermaus' );
        fled.appendChild( stamp  );
        fled.appendChild( submit );
        node.appendChild( fled   );
        submi2.setAttribute( 'type' , 'submit' );
        submi2.setAttribute( 'value', 'Send to Buddleia' );
        budd.appendChild( submi2 );
        node.appendChild( budd   );