====== Marc and Willow ====== And NotAgain!((How dare you forget the bar?!)) //Sometime before they((Marc and Willow, I mean. Not Marc, Willow and NotAgain. That's silly!)) were ever married.// Contender **Marcell**((aww, back when Marc was naught but a wee Contender!)) grabs an empty glass from the bar top and raises his glass to her. **"Cheers.*hic*"** He then promptly passes out on the bar top for a full minute, before regaining consciousness. Contestant **Willow** grins, **"Cheers,"** and watches him pass out. She finishes off her drink as he wakes up. Contender **Marcell** sits up and rubs his head. Then looks at Willow, his eyes back to normal. He smiles gently, then looks around. **"Since when did I end up here?"** He blinks. Lance Corporal **NotAgain** runs out of poisoned letters, so removes a copy of The Enquirer from his pack with his lower arms, leans back on his upper ones and starts reading. Contestant **Willow** bursts out laughing. Contender **Marcell** stares at Willow, confused, then tilts his head to the side. **"What's so funny?"** He arches an eyebrow at her. Contestant **Willow** clears her throat, **"Well, you came in from the jungle, all hopped up on Galactic Garbleblaster crap, then was seemingly drunk, the sky was apparently after you, and I'm a furry angel."** Lance Corporal **NotAgain** blinkblinkblinks as he realises his copy of the Enquirer is unreadable for some odd reason. Contender **Marcell** takes this all in for a minute, then looks at the remains of his faithful crossbow. **"Well, that explains how I broke that then.."** He then grins at Willow and chuckles. Contender **Marcell** continues. **"Furry angel?((Ah ha! The origin.)) You? Angel?"** He snickers. **"Not in a million years."** Under no circumstances could she know he actually enjoyed her company. Contestant **Willow** glares at him, **"Fine, well y'know what, I'm glad you broke your crossbow then."** she crosses her arms. Contestant **Willow** tries not to smile. Contender **Marcell** pouts at Willow and glares back. **"Fine! I hope your eyeballs pop out from glaring too much! I bet that you didn't know that!"** Contender **Marcell** is grinning, on the inside. Contestant **Willow** glares harder, just to prove, it doesn't make your eyeballs pop out! **"Well, I hope your glaring gives you a bad complexion //and// makes your eyeballs pop out!"** Contestant **Willow** is stifling a lugh. Contestant **Willow** sighs. A lugh? A Laugh Contender **Marcell** holds back his laughter. Boy, is she cute when she's all worked up. **"What an awful thing to say! I hope that your face gets all wrinkly and that your hair falls out!"** Contender **Marcell** raps the bar top as if to demand authority, which doesn't really work when you're a kitty. Lance Corporal **NotAgain** chuckles to himself. Anybody who thinks that glaring doesn't make your eyeballs pop out has obviously never been a zombie! Contestant **Willow** looks outraged, **"I hope your intestines fall out of your rear and your ears droop to your arse!"** she blabbers, using wide gestures to indicate the length from your ears to your arse. Lance Corporal **NotAgain** arches a brow at Willow's last statement. He's gonna remember that one!((I wonder if he did!)) Contender **Marcell** rises to his feet, glaring down at Willow. **"I hope your head explodes and that your boobs drop to your ankles!"** Contestant **Willow** is trying very hard not to laugh, **"Well, I hope your brain squirts out your nose and you can't walk anymore cause your balls sagged so low that they anchor you to where you stand!"** Contender **Marcell** can't help himself anymore. He glares at Willow for a full ten seconds, before bursting into laughter a leaning against the bar-top, gasping for air. Contestant **Willow** glares back and breaks into a wide grin. She starts giggling and burts into laughter. Contender **Marcell** reaches out and hugs Willow, almost on impulse, still laughing. **"Jesus christ, I'm sold! Where the heck do you get this stuff from?!"** Contestant **Willow** still laughing, shrugs, **"I dunno it just came to mind"** Contender **Marcell** realizes what he's doing and lets go of her, his face going scarlet. Still laughing softly, he manages to calm down and clear his throat. **"Ahem..yeah. Sorry about that.."** Contender **Marcell** says something else but it isn't audible. Contestant **Willow** sees his face turn red and pokes him **"It's fine"** she frowns, **"Sorry, what'd you say?"** Contender **Marcell** shrugs and waves her hand away. **"Oh, nothing nothing. Don't worry about it."**((What did you say, Marc!?!))