====== Wiki Guidelines ====== . . .((These guidelines are like a time dilation of Internet degeneration. They slowly but surely turn to l33t speak and internet memes.)) (( . . . and cake.)) We don't have [[how_to_use_the_wiki_of_lies|any]] of these. [[Srsly]]. But if you really, REALLY ===== REALLY want some guidelines: ===== 3. If anyone breaks a rule, kill a kitten ((That'll learn 'em!)) 3. Break all these rules roughly 50% of the time.((Rules were made to be [[broken]], [[hell|dammit]]!)) 3. Break the above rule all 50% of that time. 3. This rule trumps all the other rules of the Wiki. 3. This rule trumps the above rules. 3. This rule is not a rule (unless it is or the rule two rules above it is in affect). 3. Rule of Funny trumps all other rules of the Wiki ((Coincidentally, this is roughly 50% of the time.)) 3. No rule shall have more than three words, or it is invalid. 3. 3 is best rule. -1. //Everything// is a [[lions|lion]] in disguise. (([[sneakybastard|Sneaky Bastards]]!))((except lions)) -0. is not divisible. 0. Do **not** enrage the [[Moose]]. 1. Do not ingest [[start|Wiki of Lies]].((If accidentally ingested, do not induce vomiting and call your poison control center immediately )) 2. There is no [[plan]]. [[lie|Really]]. Planplanplanplanplanplan! 2.5. Be wary of your [[nemesis]]. 3.14. Please hang up and try your call again, if you need assistance, dial your operator, if you are calling long distance, dial 1 or 0 then the number, please hang up and try your call again. 4. Hmmm. This number doesn't seem to [[3|exist]] in the Wiki yet. 5. Being a [[newbie]] is okay, unless [[you]] //are// a [[newbie]]. 6. [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GC_ylRHtZs|Screw the rules, I have money!]] [[reality|The Real world]] **does not exist here!** We would have noticed it by now. 7. For the last time, [[card games]] do not exist in this [[universe]]!((Yeah! Stop living in [[time|the past]]!))((Jes, Jokers play with cards. That doesn't make it a game.))((Although the Jokers seem to find it pretty funny.)) 7b. Don't say what should be number. You know, the one bewtween 7 and 9. Twice 4. 10-2. ((Oh, poo.)) 7[[Squat|Squats]] will steal your [[req|requisiton]], before killing each other trying to it all for themselves.((Unless they're [[squat_hole|Skronkys]].))((Hey! We of the [[squathole_project|Squat Mafia]] don't fight over requistion. Okay, not much. All right. We do fight.))((Hay is for [[budget_horse|budget horses]], not [[Squat|Squats]]!)) 8. Remember to write descriptions for your hut/shack/mansion/cottage/cheese when you build one.((Otherwise we'll just imagine it as a burning effigy of you. Only boring-er. Less good looking. Smellier, too.)) 9. This guideline does not exist. 10. And neither does this one. 11.1. [[Cookies]]! 11.2. Raise your hand to forfeit. 11.3. Extend the Guidelines. 11.5. **Extend!** 11.6. [[http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/195918#|This]] is what happens when a Joker escapes the Island. Don't let it happen to your family! DON'T LEAVE THE ISLAND! **NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!** 12. If you value your [[life]], you will extend these guidelines. 13. [[Awesome points]] are for awesome people. They are also for [[snickerer|Snickerer's]] amusement. 14. Give me your [[req|money]]! 15. Asking for help kelp is illegal.((In America!))((And just about everywhere else.)) 16. Will everyone please stop saying "O^&jz~" in this courtroom!((Um, I'm not sure its physically possible to say that anywhere. //Even// in a courtroom.)) 17. If you do not behave, [[Eris]] will smack you with a strudel.((Honestly, I think [[Eris]] could care less about [[you|your]] behavior.)) 18. Self-evident truths are self-evident.((At least, we hope they are. No-one's sure.)) ((Wait, isn't that . . . never mind.)) 19. Don't gamble with the wind. There are serious [[consequences]]. 20. Always keep a bottle of [[Mindbleach]] at hand for emergencies. You'll know what we mean when you see it. 34. It's dicey to Dice with Death, since Death will dice you . . .to . . .death?((Dice are fun.)) [[42]]. The meaning of life, the universe, and everything is [[42]].((This of course raises another question: what is the question of life, the universe and everything?)) 99. FEAR ME! 100. [[Cake]]! 101. [[evil|lol]]. 102. [[There is no Spoon]].((But now there is 'NO SPOON' (Patent pending) )) [[hyakugojyuuichi|151]]. Always remember: TV says donuts are high in fat, kazoo, found a hobo in my room, it's Princess Leia, the yodel of life, give me my sweater back or I'll play the guitar! 1337. H0W 1 M1N3 F0R F15H?!!?//11LULZ1// [[1984]] A number between 4891 and 1489. [[A.D. 2101|2101]]. Narrator: In [[A.D. 2101]], war was beginning.((I never said that!)) Captain: What happen? Mechanic: Someone set up us the bomb. Operator: We get signal. Captain: What? Operator: Main screen turn on. Captain: Its [[you]]. [[cat|Cats]]: How are you gentlemen. [[lie|All your base are belong to us]]. [[You]] are on the way to destruction. Captain: What [[you]] say? [[cat|Cats]]: [[You]] have no chance to survive make [[you|your]] time. Hahaha. 2448. I can has grammar skillz? 2449. I'MMA CHARGIN' MAH LAZOR((DR. OCTAGONAPUS BLAAAAAAAAAAARGH!)) 9001. Also, [[it's over 9000!]] 9002. It's still [[it's over 9000!|over 9000!]] 40000. B.C. Be Cool. Bajillion. Words are better then numbers. 1337 Sp3ak is an unholy hybrid that should be put out of its misery. Bazillion. The amount of [[Skidge|Skidges]] on the island.((at least))((at last count))