**[[germ_compendium_nonsensica|The GERM Compendium Nonsensica Presents]]-** [[Merlin]], in ===== madness in which Merlin has been involved: ===== 1. [[the_twitter| When Jon Bishop found technology]] 2. [[our_house| A Song For GERM]] 3. [[germ_villainy| When we were evil]] 4. [[germ_coppers|The Case of the Missing Rookie Declan]] 5. [[romancing_the_sammich| When we made snacks]] 6. [[romancing_the_sammich_pt_2]] 7. [[the_library_party]] 8. [[beltaine]] 9. [[commedia_dell_arte]] 10. [[callia_and_the_shovel]] 11. [[victorian_siege]] 12. [[the_moonlight_blob]] 13. [[cavemanjoe_birthday_party]] 14 [[the_life_of_institutional_green]] 15. [[general_germ_nonsense]] 16. [[ticker_trouble6]] 17. [[ticker_trouble7]] 18. [[ticker_trouble8]] 19. [[ticker_trouble10]] 20. [[the_gopher_chronicles6]] 21. [[the_gopher_chronicles7]] 22. [[the_infamous_auction]] 23. [[hermein_and_calynx_s_wedding]] 24. [[voice_of_hope]]