Truth is the opposite of lies [[JesusThePirateNinja]] delicious. Both can be found in this page. For example, this sentence is a lie. [[Cake]] is good, [[Caveman Joe]] is evil, and [[the Watcher]] is actually Doktor Improbable. We'll let you decide what that last sentence was. The Truth is what the [[CIA]] [[JesusThePirateNinja|JtPN]] your squishy frontal lobe says it is. Or people might start disappearing! The quest for truth begins with [PPP]] and ends with [[SWEET]] picking up your beak and slapping the rabbit till his nose bleeds(([[Wiki Guidelines|Citation Needed]])). Remember, the Truth is out there under there((Under where?))((Under **there**)) and the [[CIA]] is holding it hostage. sausage! Give all your [[cigarette|ciggies]][[Cookies]]/stop an [[nuclear war]] international peace treaty signing and the Truth won't get hurt.