This may or may not be an improbably complete list of the standard Improbable Island inhabitant's titles, with the number of Drive Kills needed to **//__earn__//** that title.((Your mileage may differ)) ^Title^DK's^ |Rookie|0| |Contestant|1| |Returning Contestant|2| |Civilian|3| |Contender|4| |Citizen|5| |Private|6| |Lance Corporal|7| |Corporal|8| |Sergeant|9| |Technical Sergeant|10| |Master Sergeant|11| |First Sergeant|12| |Warrant Officer|13| |Second Lieutenant|14| |Lieutenant|15| |Captain|16| |Major|17| |Lieutenant Colonel|18| |Colonel|19| |Brigadier|20| |Major General|21| |Lieutenant General|22| |General|23| |Improbable General|24| |Major Badass|25| |Lieutenant Badass|26| |Badass|27| |Notable Badass|28| |Extreme Badass|29| |Chancellor Badass|30| |Prime Badass|31| |King/Queen Badass|32| |Emperor/Empress Badass|33| |Improbable Badass|34| |Royale Badass|35| |Royale Badass with Cheese|36| |Royale Badass with Special Sauce|37| |Lord/Lady High Badass|38| |Lord/Lady High Badass Supreme|39| |Impressive Lord High Badass Supreme|40| |Grand Master/Mistress Badass|41| |Grand Master/Mistress Badass of the Number 42|42| |Grand Master/Mistress Badass of Fury|43| |Grand Master/Mistress Badass of Rage|44| |Grand Master/Mistress Badass of Big Explosions|45| |Grand Master/Mistress Badass of Most Awesome Destruction|46| |Grand Master/Mistress Badass of Improbability|47| |Lord/Lady Elevated Badass of the Gods|48| |Grand Lord/Lady Elevated Badass of the Gods|49| |Transcendent Grand Lord/Lady Elevated Badass of the Gods|50| |Transcendent Almighty Emperor/Empress of Improbability with Holy Cheese and a Side of Badass Fries|60| |Bloody Showoff|70| |Bloody Ridiculous Showoff|80| |Ludicrous Over-Achiever|90| |Someone'd better buy a custom title for|100| Below this line, there be lies.(( Or are they truths? :O )) |Master Nomologer|400| |The Wizard of Noms|400| |The Watcher|1,000,000| |Admin|1,000,0002| |Mom((Hi, Mom!))|1,000,0003| |Full Metal|50 Bastards| |Lion|Sneaky Bastards| |Squat|Thieving Bastards| |Derp|The one and only| |SpiderKitty Launcher with Integrated Chainsaw +1SpiderKitty Launcher with Integrated Chainsaw +1SpiderKitty Launcher with Integrated Chainsaw +1SpiderKitty Launcher with Integrated Chainsaw +1SpiderKitty Launcher with Integrated Chainsaw +1SpiderKitty Launcher with Integrated Chainsaw +1SpiderKitty Launcher with Integrated Chainsaw +1SpiderKitty Launcher with Integrated Chainsaw +1!|At 385 characters,((longer than the chat character limit!)) this was the longest title (im)possible.((Its evil twin, "SpiderKitty Launcher with Integrated Chainsaw -1SpiderKitty Launcher with Integrated Chainsaw -1SpiderKitty Launcher with Integrated Chainsaw -1SpiderKitty Launcher with Integrated Chainsaw -1SpiderKitty Launcher with Integrated Chainsaw -1SpiderKitty Launcher with Integrated Chainsaw -1SpiderKitty Launcher with Integrated Chainsaw -1SpiderKitty Launcher with Integrated Chainsaw -1!", is just as long)) Awarded for breaking the Island in a very specific way after one's 40th DK. This title was only possible to achieve from [[|2016-06-13]] to 2017-07-08,((though if the title was achieved in that window, it could technically be held indefinitely, as long as one avoided changing one's title)) and was only held by [[page 3|Full Metal Lion]].((Though most of the time he went by 'Like a hundred "SpiderKitty Launcher with Integrated Chainsaw +1"s! Full Metal Lion' in order to avoid the wrath of the other denizens of Banter))((Quote from [[CavemanJoe]] upon seeing Full Metal Lion don this title: "How the fuck did you do that."))|