====== OFFICIAL NETWORK RECORDS, INVENTORY DIVISION S1-z, SUB-DIVISION (Historical records): ====== ==== PROFILE #17 ==== ''**NAME:** Arthur G. Stranger (Colloquially referred to as //The Announcer//)\\ **DOB:** unknown\\ **ORIGIN:** New Amsterdam\\ **SEX:** M\\ **RACE:** Unknown (SEE: Document J-58)\\ \\ **HEIGHT:** VARIABLE: 125-197 cm\\ **WEIGHT:** VARIABLE: SEE BELOW\\ **EYES:** (PRE) Yellow\\ **EYES:** (POST) Red\\ **HAIR:** Grey\\ \\ **INTRODUCED:** Week 11 (CT)\\ **RATINGS / FOCUS GROUP POPULARITY:** Unconfirmed\\ **THREAT CLASSIFICATION:** V (current)\\ **CLAN AFFILIATION:** Unconfirmed\\ \\ **WARNING:** //Most data in this file was compiled after disappearance of subject. As such, the data presented here is gathered from secondary sources and should __not__ be taken as absolute fact.// **UPDATE:** //Recent (unconfirmed) sightings of individual have demonstrated the need for further research. Any additional information regarding subject shall in future be recorded here.//