Before I continue, there is something I must say to everyone's favorite coder, Dan aka Caveman Joe. Dear Dan, **PLEASE DON'T BAN ME! IT WAS JUST A SONG THAT STARTED WHEN SOMEONE //ELSE// MADE THE TITLE! I COULDN'T GET THE LYRICS OUT OF MY HEAD! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!** Sincerely yours, the king of the land of Longwiki, Chimental. Alright let's get started shall we? ====== Still in Charge ====== Sung to the tune of Jonathan Coulton's((And a certain psychopathic motherboard)) 'Still Alive' New lyrics by: we've already established that in the part after I started crying introduction. This is annoying.\\ Another lame monster to reject.\\ It's hard to keep a smile on with these players.\\ Look at the forum\\ And find pages of whining vet'rans.\\ Wanting something from the past.\\ Now where the hell is my flask? They forget that coding houses was very hard\\ While I'm trying to get hitched and also get a green card.\\ They fill me with such strife\\ But this game is my life\\ And because of that I'm still in charge.\\ I've lost my sanity.\\ Luckily I have lots of friends.\\ Even with them as mods keeping things clean\\ These guys give me migraines.\\ I've developed a twitch in my right eye.\\ But the good news is that they\\ Helped kick my habit of sleep.\\ Every new feature seems to be filled with typos.\\ I'd ignore them but these guys help pay for my clothes.\\ With sixteen weeks of code\\ You can build your own abode\\ And because of that I'm still in charge.\\ I'll pull an all nighter.\\ I'll get an I.V. of pure caffeine. \\ Maybe I'll get something for my hard work\\ Maybe Donations!\\ C'mon you guys! I'm eating shoes!\\ Anyway, here's a new mount.\\ Now I am off to collapse.\\ Look at me still resting when there's Scrapbots to code\\ Then I'll test them out on the island in God Mode.\\ But these guys will find a bug\\ 'Cus this game is a new drug.\\ But I'll show them that I'm still in charge.\\ And believe me I am still in charge.\\ I'm sleep deprived but I'm still in charge.\\ I gave them Titans 'cus I'm still in charge.\\ I am //telling// you I'm still in charge.\\ Maybe they'll realize that I'm still in charge.\\ Still in charge.\\ Still in charge.\\ ((This also makes my //fourth// song I've written about the island. Where's my record deal, Dan?))