**//__SPARC__//**, aka the __Sweet Playful Amusing **Renegade** Clan__
As the word indicates, SPARC is a renegade clan which was formed out of disagreement strife discontent censorship unhappiness out of pure madness by [[MadMad]] 8-O ((he really is as //hat as a madder// ))
Currently it is still a 1-man formation, that incredibly succeeded in gained the 15th place as the clan with most DKs. //Not bad for a solo-act!// 8-)
Its primary **focus is** is having the most **fun** possible without having to resort to //__multiple personalities__// and kill a drive or two once in a while.
**No-no words** are: //diplomacy, secrecy, espionage, politics, intimidation, alts, hypocrisy, exclusion, autocracy// \\
**Yes-yes words** include: //fun, honesty, fun, communication, fun, democracy, fun, helping one another, fun, consensus// and did I mention **plain old fun**?
And yes: SPARC does have their own tent on the [[http://sweet.secretsstories.net|Improbable Outpost]] forum!