====== OFFICIAL NETWORK RECORDS, INVENTORY DIVISION S2-S: ====== ==== NOTICE ==== ''**//URGENT, EYES ONLY://** DEFAMATORY RELEASES BY SO-CALLED [[the_tiresias_reels|ZETETIC ORGANIZATIONS]] RE. #33562, #5528 FRAUDULENT, UNDER INVESTIGATION BY WIPO AND NETWORK COMPLIANCE COMMISSION.'' ==== PROFILE #33562 ==== ''**NAME:** ANN BEATRICE "SPANDEX" DEXTROUS \\ **DOB:** UNKNOWN\\ **ORIGIN:** LONDON, ENGLAND, UK; YELLOWKNIFE, NWT, CA\\ **SEX:** F\\ **RACE:** J\\ \\ **HEIGHT:** 177 CM\\ **WEIGHT:** 10 STONE\\ **EYES:** G\\ **HAIR:** BLUE\\ \\ **INTRODUCED:** SEASON 2 (S2)\\ **RATINGS / FOCUS GROUP POPULARITY:** TIER B-1\\ **GROUP CLASSIFICATION:** CONTESTANT \\ **THREAT CLASSIFICATION:** A\\ **CLAN AFFILIATION:** [[aleatory_ensemble|]], PREVIOUS [[germ|]]\\ \\ **SUMMARY:** \ \\ No known living relations; parents presumed dead (unknown to subject, case documents available on root share drive to users with SEC-O privileges or greater). Abducted and raised until age 6 (surmised) by Vera Bazik, social worker. Bazik was charged with multiple counts of child abuse in 2068 and is currently held at Kent Federal Penitentiary, projected release date July 2104.\\ \\ Subject taken into State care until housed by Art Liberation Academy (ALA) until age 15 (surmised) before becoming a vagrant, though under continuous close surveillance by WIPO, ALA, and Global Border Authority personnel. Subject was subsequently monitored and recruited to program by Producer Hisoka Muriel Ogilvy from a squat in the former Banking Center, London, UK.\\ \\ Biometric data evidences a high concentration of localized cobalt aluminate (CoAl2O4) occurring naturally in the dextrolateral ilium of the subject's pelvic girdle. Source unknown; no scarring or evident toxicity. Lab research pending regarding interactions between CoAl2O4 and subject's melanocytes, as the subject's epidermis presents caucasian despite natural blue hair colouration. Secondary evidence suggests maternal inheritance.\\ \\ Following her association with and subsequent courtship of [[zolotisty|#5528]], the subject's heretofore theoretically-driven protests against perceived notions of authority and personal rights have manifested in malicious aggravated assault against Network technical personnel, conspiracy to destroy and vandalize Network property, and obstruction of the program. The subject's threat level was raised in accordance with Reclassification Guidelines v. (rev. 17/4). Aware of the subject's 'kamikaze' ethos and considerable influence on #5528, we continue to monitor the situation closely and will take appropriate preemptive retraining measures as necessary.\\ \\ **PRIMARY SOCIAL TIES:** Married to #5528, (footage shelved until further review, see below) with a relationship marked by extremely strong ties and mutual influence. Brief but positive romantic relationship with [[g_rock|#22743]]. Openly considers [[uncle_bernard|#10362]] a father figure. Student of [[kk_victoria|#11710]]. Primary ties within DICE [[skidge|5420]], [[sicpuess|#5754]], [[ebenezer|#20408]], [[haccadine|#74345]]. \\ \\ **APPEARANCE:** Atypical J appearance; typical J demeanor regarding clothing. Apparel has strong sensibilities of costume, most frequently chosen for theme- or character-driven properties and most commonly "punk"((''A subculture originating from the 1970s 'punk rock' music scene, driven by diverse and varied political, philosophical, artistic, and aesthetic expressions.'')). Motorcycle boots, torn trousers, slim fitting shirts or corsets, pilot's helmet, goggles, and a waist-length jacket. Subject frequently wears long, rough necklace of cobalt beads made by [[paul_lo|#13259]]. Thigh-high striped stockings worn daily regardless of outfit; inverse relationship between the subject's proximity to the stockings and subject's overall sense of fatigue and malaise has been confirmed((''Upper 'separation' limit, the period of time for which the subject can be safely removed from close contact with the stockings, presently unknown. Surmised to be beyond 48 hours; longterm ramifications of separation unknown.'')) Blue hair styled in 'alternative' mohawk. Fingers display webbing between all carpals and MCPJs. Highly recognizable.\\ \\ //Update//: Subject has acquired fangs, source presumed to be #5528 and direct intervention via Improbability manipulation. Evidence of significant change to jaw structure and surrounding musculature, which contribute to bite strength typically seen in predatory animals.\\ \\ **PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS:** Strong personal emphasis on concepts of honour and honesty. Curious, outgoing, intelligent, outspoken. Typically cheerful, but prone to melancholy. "Punk" demeanor is surmised to be largely affected, though the subject does show evidence of closely sharing anti-establishment, anti-corporate, left-wing politics. Expresses continual displeasure regarding surveillance. Frequently oversensitive and self-blaming. Extreme overprotection of social circle, esp. #5528. \\ \\ Avid reader, esp. poetry. Previous alcoholic trends around consumption evidenced to decline after transition to J. Adrenaline addiction in remission. Preference for off-grid locations, particularly near bodies of water.\\ \\ Displayed weakness for underdogs and small, helpless, or "cute" creatures, esp. those apparently abandoned or unwanted. Cares for three pets: terrier-sized animate horse carving ("Horse"), donkey-zebra hybrid filly ("Gidget"), and a red fox ("Clue").\\ \\ Jungle interaction level set at 7 since 3Q of S2. Following training with #11710, the subject began to carry a number of knives on her person (6-8x throwing knives, 1x 'tanto,' 1x 'balisong'). Not otherwise proficient with modern weaponry. Recent development of strong pacifist principles. Avoids jungle combat except for subsistence or defence. \\ \\ **ABILITIES:** Advanced military training by #11710 in knife and hand-to-hand combat. High degree of natural throwing ability. Preference for running, swimming, parkour. Sensitive to Improbability (see below). Recently evidenced strong aptitude for painting. \\ \\ //Relationship to Improbability//: Strong. Subject continues to experiment with and expand capabilities; accords Improbability a level of omnipotent sentience roughly equivalent to pre-Renaissance cultural conceptions of creativity, with its independent volition and whims. Triggers Improbability through emotional and experiential association; the ultimate effect is to change the physical states of both people and objects (e.g., temperature, velocity, solidity), and psychological states of people (e.g., predilection toward honesty or forthrightness). Recently learned ability to become invisible, and suspected ability to teleport, both to aid Subject in avoiding surveillance. Subject is believed to be limited in her abilities only by her interest. Primary use of Improbability is for practical problemsolving.\\ \\ Striped stockings appeared after conversion to J. Stripes display an i-ching (see Appendix H) hexagram which changes at irregular intervals. With the aid of eight J contestants tiered A-C3((''For full documentation, see [[i-ching|#33562 J TRANSITION ARCHIVAL COLLECTION]], accessible on the root share drive to users with C-OP privileges or greater.'')), the subject developed a crude but effective system of reading the i-ching. Subject recently found a text of the I-ching system, and her understanding of the symbols' meanings has deepened.\\ \\ Recent evidence reveals removal of Improbability causes subject to immediately suffer emotional and cognitive difficulties. Longer term effects are currently being monitored.\\ \\ **META-ANALYSIS:** Overall plot arc has primarily featured turbulent 'coming-of-age' themes for the subject, including emotional and philosophical maturity, highly disciplined physical training, developing a number of meaningful interpersonal and family-surrogate relationships, as well as naturalising as a well-adjusted J. Overall viewing figures remain strong, and often polarizes audience. Subject has frequently been instigator of or key accessory to a number of smaller plots, typically of a mischievous nature with unfortunate, albeit not dire consequences. Contestant's highly outspoken and political opinions have proven successful foil for others'. In addition, her curious nature provides excellent exposition potential for viewing. \\ //Unresolved//: Subject and #5528 spend significant amounts of time in "Yaksi" (Dwelling 5528-847), which they currently believe is not under surveillance. All footage from this location, and footage of a series of events upon acquiring this dwelling (case documents available only to users with SEC-O privileges or greater) are currently shelved, subject to review of financial viability. \\ \\ Several key plots have been declassified and are available in Appendices A-I. Suggested for later time slots due to frequent adult themed material.\\ \\ Romantic development of flawed, but honest and deeply loving relationship with #5528 has seen successful introduction of new fans for both contestants. Sex scenes proven popular and profitable to the program for ala carte channel viewers.\\ \\ **HISTORY:** \\ \\ Pre-Transfer: Summarized above. Nature of parental death is unknown by subject. Documents accessible on root share drive to users with SEC-O privileges or greater. \\ \\ //S2:// Complete markered summary for release following close of 4Q S2, overview forthcoming.\\ \\ **PRIMARY RESPONDERS**:\\ \\ SEC-O:\\ //GODARD, A.//\\ \\ PROD:\\ //BABCOCK, T.//\\ \\ C-OP:\\ //COOPER, A.//\\ ''