A [[lie]]((quantity of [[treason]] yet to be determined)), particularly used to justify some way of thinking about something. People who practice this are called '[[scientists]],' and these people huddle in shame and terror in [[Improbable Central]] out of fear that contestants will realize they have no clue what is happening since the Island has been infused with [[improbability]].((This is only true about "sane" scientists.)) Another breed of scientist, the '[[mad science|mad scientist]]', tends to thrive on the Island. The only common traits among this breed are a preponderance of baroque gadgetry, ranging from Tesla Coils and Jacob's Ladders through vacuum tubes and off to progressively more Improbable forms of science. Known practitioners include [[Kassil]], [[DeadMeat]], [[PotatoPancakes]], and [[Sicpuess]], as well as, less enthusiastically, their various fellow [[clans|clan]] members.((They also tend to cause inordinately large explosions.))