====== Pyromaniac Isaac ====== So. You want to know about Pyromaniac Isaac, hmm? Well, then. Let's begin at the beginning((It's a wonderful place to start.))((Shut it, you!)). ===== Early Life ===== Before he arrived on the Island, Pyromaniac Isaac was a stuntman. He did a great many stupid and completely ridiculous things((Setting himself on fire))((Shoving his own head into a toilet))((Deliberately crashing a car into a solid concrete wall at 88 MPH))((Jumping off of a ten-story building))((Jumping off the building five times in a row didn't help either)). Due to his numerous head injuries as a result of his actions, he doesn't remember very much else. ===== Just Before His Arrival ===== One day, after his girlfriend was raped and murdered, his house burned down, and he got fired, he was mugged in an alleyway as he took a shortcut to a hotel. These muggers were Network personnel. They knocked him out, dragged him to the Island by speedboat, and dumped him on the shore. ===== On the Island ===== On the Island, Isaac first interacted with Ihpkmn, whom he thought was wearing a Cthulhu mask((It's his face)). After screaming his head off and knocking himself out((Again.)), Isaac came to terms with the insanity of the Island. Recently, however, he has noticed that he has become immune to being burned, and has tested his theory multiple times by setting his hands on fire deliberately. Having proven himself correct, he is determined to learn to become a pyromancer. That was a long time ago. Since then, he's been infected((By a parasite.)), defected((By a Hank.)), fell in love((With Heather.))((AKA Hamster Ninja)), founded the League of Unpopular Superheroes((Or other random L.O.U.S.))((Don't ask.)), got possessed by Lythar((Shoot me if I'm wrong.)), unpossessed by Lythar, got the shit cut((Yes, cut.)) out of him by Hank in a war of Gods((Not quite.)), became a ghost after dying, unbecame a ghost((He does this a lot.))((And also thanks to Hank)), and had some normal times with Heather for a while. Then he proposed((Quite unexpectedly.)), they had a wedding((Which got blown up.)), became a woman((Heather's fault.))((Also? A really //hot// woman...)), unbecame a woman...and is having good times with his 'froker((Joker with a bigass 'fro.)) wife.