The [[fun|bane]] of [[Newbies]] and [[Titles|Lord High Badasses]] alike, these nasty little buggers multiply exponentially((Sometimes hovering around 99 at a time, but not. . . well. . . you know. . .)) and unrelentingly despite our intrepid [[cavemanjoe|admin]]'s best efforts. The weapons of choice in [[combat|combating]] problems are as follows: * Whinging [[petition]]((That's whining for you Yanks.)) * Bottle of gin, or other hard [[gargleblast|liquor]]((Apply directly to [[stomach]] until the problem goes away.)) * Large [[weapon|hammer]] (applied directly to the source of the problem, or failing that, the screen of the afflicted computer)((Only recommended if you have plenty of [[donations|cash]] to spare, really.)) * Running in circles and screaming until [[cavemanjoe|someone else]] deals with it.(([[Popular]] with future politicians.)) * Waiting until it ceases to be a problem for whatever reason.((Including death of any interested parties.))