**C< Why test at all?** {{:places:programming:sadmutants.png?300x200x220x440|"What IS this?" you ask. Well! That's an impertinent question!}} Test! {{http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a208/MercD/II-BS/colLtOrange.png}} ===TESTINGS===Test.((Slightly more hidden test)) Testtesttest.((toldja it'd work, Twisty)) ====== Test? ====== > Test >> Testing >>> Testify >>>> Testicles [Citation needed] ==== ? ==== * >t * >>e * >>>s * >>>>t >>>> ===== ===== - Test - Test - Test - Test - Test - Test - Test - Test - Test - Test - Test - Test - Test - Test - Test - Test - Test - Test ====== fn_2 ====== What the hell is this? ====== fnt_2 ====== How does computers? ====== head1 ====== Am I doing it right?((No. No you are not.)) Well, [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/syntax|here]] are some hints, if you're confuzzled. ====== head1a ====== ===== head2 ===== ==== head3 ==== === head4 === == head5 == ====== head1b ====== ((Test)) The playground.((Where are the slides, the monkeybars?! This is not a properly equipped playground!))((They're invisible.))((no they're with the kazoos)) Go on,((See, I added a comma. Good for me.)) change((changed)) it.((See, see? I added a full stop, too!)) OR ELSE!((Or else what?))((No, sir, I will not change it! You cannot make me!)) You don't want to tempt us!((unless it is with [[lie|cake]])) ((Test)) Hmm.. these are all [[lie|LIES!]][Citation Needed]((always wanted to do that)) Test test test.((Testes!))((This must be a testicular region of the wiki then!))((Test))((Test)) {{:wiki:dokuwiki-128.png|}} Insert Obvious Cry For Attention Here ((Lies! Changing the playground will destroy your mind!))((arsepants))((This is a lie, Changing your mind will destroy the playground))((This is a lie, changing your pants will destroy your playground))((conversely, NOT changing your pants will destroy your pants))((playground or pants. You decide))((Decisions are a lie))((A lie propagated by communists.))((Lie is a key ingredient in making soap))((the eighth footnote is a lye))((Lyre, lyre, pants on fire.))((Chewing on a telephone wir-BZZZZZP!))((Woops, better call an ambulance on that one. Hmm, smells like chicken.))((Test))((Hmm does NOT smell like chicken, it smells more like, well, like a low hmmm would if you were synaesthesic(sic) ))((ewwww))((ewwww a dear, a female sheep, ray a drop of golden sun. Me a name, I call myself, fart a long, long trump, jam, so and la, tea. Donut.))((Well, I was a donut once. It and I were sweet and had a big hole through my head . . . Waaait.))((TV says donuts are high in fat, kazoo))((Transvestite?))((I had a trans-vest once, but it was too big so I gave it to Charity. He was not amused.))((I imagine not.))((Me neither, Charity is a //woman's// name))((Names, I like names, there's lots of that can be played with names))((Oy, that rhymed! You know what that means!))((We all jump off a bridge made out of pudding!))((But not before eating it!!!))((The number 42 is copyrighted by Douglas Adams, so is therefore removed from these footnotes.))((But if you eat it, then there will be no bridge to jump off of! of which to jump off)) ((Everything goes with glittery violet spandex pants.)), but whatever you((You flabbergasted-chunky-butt-narwhal! Hehe, just kidding darling, you look lovely today..)) do, don't change the footnotes //feet//notes. ((ProudFEET!))((I'll change what I damn well want! I just don't want to. Mostly because I fear what retribution might come my way if I *did* want to.))((Fear it? Retribution will come, either because of editing or not editing. It's just a matter of sce--))((Fear? what is this thing you talk about?))((sigh . . . i remember when all this was feilds . . .))((internet feilds, that is. I'm not that old. and they were, come to think of it, intensively farmed, with vast herds of cyber-cows as far as the screen could see.))(([[dramatis_personae#ashtu|I see you! Yes, you with your fingers on the keyboard!]]))((Hah!! Shows what you know! I type with my //feet//!!))((You must have very spreadable toes.))((Oh, quite. The spreadable-est.))((Oh think you're so talented do you? Well I type with my beard!))((Test))((Feetnote Chat... cute)) ====== Suspicious Table Full Metal Lion Put Here ====== ^ Accessible (Navigation First) ^ Accessible ^ Default(All Colors) ^ Classic ^ Console ^ Mobile ^ | | | | | | | ====== TESTING ====== ''This is a test''\\ This is a test\\ This is a test\\ This is a test ====== SMILEYS ====== 8-) = 8-)\\ 8-O = 8-O\\ :-( = :-(\\ :-) = :-)\\ =) = =)\\ :-/ = :-/\\ :-\ = :-\\\ :-? = :-?\\ :-D = :-D\\ :-P = :-P\\ :-O = :-O\\ :-X = :-X\\ :-| = :-|\\ ;-) = ;-)\\ :?: = :?:\\ :!: = :!:\\ LOL = LOL\\ FIXME = FIXME\\ DELETEME = DELETEME\\ ((Test))