=== Advanced Programming Techniques === ==Contents == *[[places:advtutI|Advanced Techniques I - Making a grand entrance (full version).]]\\ *A program to give individual descriptions for different entries, with multiple entries. *Having a list of instructions in one program. A first look. *[[places:advtutII|Advanced Techniques II - Multiple commands.]]\\ *How to fit several commands into one program. A continuation of the previous tutorial. *[[places:advtutIII|Advanced Techniques III - DIY Gadgets.]]\\ *The Run Program Contraption. A first look. *[[places:advtutIV|Advanced Techniques IV - Programs as gadgets Pt2.]]\\ *A reiteration of the previous guide. *[[places:advtutV|Advanced Tutorial V - Magic Eight Ball.]]\\ *A program for putting a magic eight ball into your place. *Thoughts - a first taster. *The Roll To Thought Contraption. The Thought Equal Contrivance. *[[places:advtutVI|Advanced Tutorial VI - Random Events.]]\\ *A gadget for generating random events to happen in rooms in your Place. *Thoughts - as parameters for gadgets. *[[places:advtutVII|Advanced Tutorial VII - Is They Is Or Is They Ain't?]]\\ *Using Thoughts to store results from decision making gadgets. *[[places:advtut7|Advanced Tutorial VIII - Universal Programs.]]\\ *[[places:advtut8|Advanced Tutorial The Number System is All Screwed Up But We'll Call it VIII anyway - Negative Numbers from Memories]]\\ * Get a negative value for memories that can only be stored as positive numbers. ---- [[places:start|Back to the main Places page.]]