====== Music ====== For convenience, this list of Music has been divided into [[Music#Songs|Songs]], which could be listened to, in real life, in Improbable form, and [[Music#Lyrical Poems|Lyrical Poems]] which could not be.((Simple test: could you include the song on an "Improbable Island" mixtape, then give said mixtape to an off-island friend and enjoy their confusion at the lyrics about cats and Improbability Drives and Mutants? If so, it goes in "Songs". If not, it goes in "Lyrical Poems".))((Please make sure that your hypothetical friend is actually confused by the lyrics about the Island, not just by the fact that you've handed them a cassette tape.)) ===== Songs ===== - [[NewHome is Full of Noobs]] - [[Me and Horatio Entwhistle]] - [[Emily, Please Give Back My Charm]] - [[What Do You Do With a Drunken Watcher?]]((Nothing, if you want to live)) - [[Entry of the Jokers]]((While technically a lyrical poem, someone has cobbled together some original music for Entry of the Jokers, so it gets to be in the Songs section.)) - [[Somewhere over the Island]] ===== Lyrical Poems ===== - [[workshop_mambo]]((This is actually closer to [[rhyme]]))((Actually, I'd say it's closer to garbage, and I helped write the darn thing))((In fact it should be mentioned that the actual process of composing it took approximately thirty seconds))((Thirty seconds??? Dude you should be a rap artist XD))((Approximately!))((Well you could still be a rap artists, I've seen worse stuff than that on MTV))((Well, you just need an ex-debater. Give him something to read, copy it and put it to some drum beat.))((If you get some random hobo to throw a bass down several flights of stairs...)) - [[Contestants on Improbable Isle]] - [[Next Tuesday]] - [[That song I heard a long time ago]] - [[The Ballad of the Kind Joker]] - [[Adjective Noun of Noun (Damn You Dan!)]] - [[Holy Hedgehogs of Glory]] - [[I Woke Up Next to a Giant Tattoo Mutant]]((Sung to the tune of "I lost my heart to a Starship Trooper"))((I'm tempted to try and rewrite it...)) - [[Oh Stonehenge, When Will I Learn?]]((hint: the answer is never))((most of these are lies but i encourage any attempt to actually write them)) - The [[Skidge Song]] - [[Before the Island Goes Away]] - [[Help Me Watcher]] - [[Pleasantville(song)|Pleasantville]] - [[Sympathy for the Drive]] - [[Dream on Cat Girl]] - [[Abraham]](the Greatest on Fighter Imp Island) - [[March of the Scrapbots]]((Currently in progress by Cousjava))((Unlikely to still be in progress, seeing as how the previous footnote was written years ago.)) - [[The Forth Wall]] - [[The Froth Wall]] - [[Still In Charge|CavemanJoe: Still In Charge]]((Thought it was about time someone added more nonsensical titles for people to base songs off of... and that someone is me.)) - [[I Love the Island]] - [[IPS|The Improbable Parcel Service advertising jingle]] - [[Joker Cake]] - [[Running down a Beast]]((Dave's new take on the Questing Song)) - [[Hunting Down_the Drive]]((B-side to Running down a Beast)) - [[Saving Up for a Chainsaw]] - [[Down in NewHome]] - [[The Twelve Fails of Drive Kill]] - [[I Fought in the Morning|I Fought in the Morning (Lord of Improbability)]] - [[Mine eyes have seen the danger|Mine Eyes Have Seen The Danger Of The Coming Of The Titan]] - Battle Hymn of the Island - [[Drive Fightin Man]] - [[Titan Kicks]] - [[Our House]] (GERM Bingo Hall edit) - [[Big Time in the Dojo]] - [[The Ultimate Showdown of Improbable Island]] - [[Just Zombeing Myself]] - [[The Watcher's *Ahem*]] - [[FailBoat, Why Don't You Just Sink.]]((Note the period. It is important.)) - The Second Part of [[gentleman_s_agreement|An Explanation of A Gentleman's Agreement - By Max Dougwell]] - [[It's for TV]] - [[The Ode to Improbibility]] - [[The Island Grows On You]] - [[Ye Watcher and Ye FailBoat Ones]] - [[Cake or Death]] - [[Wagered It Away]] - [[happy_hedgehog_song|The Happy Hedgehog Song]] - [[I'll Make a Joker of You]] - [[The FailBoat Song]]