====== Monthly Mementos ====== Monthly Mementos were first added to the game in July 2014 and stopped being added each month in January 4014((Known as the 2MMM or 2 Millennium Monthly Mementos.))((Lie.))((Truth. I am a certified time wizard. It's true.)). They can be obtained, generally, by [[donating]] at least $10 USD in a single transaction. Monthly Mementos that were at least a year old were once available for purchase in the Hunter's Lodge for a small heap of supporter points, but this was withdrawn sometime in 2017.((How small is a thousand?)) === Can we just get a list of these things already? ==== Technically, you can see all a whole list of the Monthly Mementos [[http://www.improbableisland.com/runmodule.php?module=monthlymementos|here]]((Gotta be signed in to use this.))\\ Buuuuut... that page doesn't exactly list what they do. So, here we go!\\ === Currently existing Monthly Mementos === ^ Month and year ^ Name ^ What do ^ Usability ^ | July 2014 | Wooden Crow | You know that Holes and Crows Joker that always seems to be in ANOTHER outpost? This brings him TO YOU.((Disclaimer: He does not come to you because you are attractive. He comes because he has to. You are ugly.)) | Once per day | | August 2014 | Prancing Spiderkitty ashtray | Usable in combat. Just chuck this thing at monsters. //Do it.// | Once per fight | | September 2014 | Maiko's Cookery Academy Official Spice Shaker | Gives you one of every kind of spice. | Once per day | | October 2014 | Pumpkin-flavoured Carrot | Take a bite of this and you get better vision((In reality, carrots doing this is a [[http://www.snopes.com/food/ingredient/carrots.asp|myth]].))! Lets you see one space further for about 50 steps [[Down Below]]. | Once per day | | November 2014 | Rocket Turkey | Usable in combat. Looks like [[http://enquirer.improbableisland.com/mediagallery/media.php?s=20150113001049571|This]], probably. | Once per day | | December 2014 | Heartwarming Bauble | Warms your heart for 20 rounds. Heartwarm gives you some sort of defense buff. | Once per day | | January 2015 | Shiny New Calendar | Acts exactly like a Chronosphere, giving you a free [[New Day]]! | Once per week | | February 2015 | A Snow | Allows you to hold on to 5 of your best meat. | Works itself upon New Day | | March 2015 | March Hair| Usable in combat. Sits on your head until you activate it. Startles the enemy for a round then attacks it for a while. | Once per day | | April 2015 | Spring | It goes **Boinnnninininininnnng!** -- Changes your local weather to 'Hot and Humid' for 10 minutes.(([[http://enquirer.improbableisland.com/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=33048&mode=&show=20|Enquirer page about the Spring and the Super Spring]].))(([[http://i.imgur.com/Kc9Ie9A.png|Taken when we did not know what the Spring does]].)) | Once per day | | May 2015 | Stone Rook | Same as Wooden Crow, 'cept it brings the Rook Trader Joker. | Once per day | | June 2015 | Storm in a Box | Randomly, this thing shoots a LIGHTNING BOLT AT YOUR ENEMIES. Basically it gives you a random BANG, ZAP, or both while in combat.((It can even happen against your Dojo [[masters|master]] or in the [[Failboat]] cage fights.)) | Passive((This means it works on its own. At random.)) | | July 2015 | Bug Repellent | When used, grants you 2% stamina. | Once per day | | July 2015 x2 bonus!((Previous MM was given for [[donating]] $5, while this one was given for $10. $10 would have got you both of 'em.)) | Fly Swatter | Gives a 2% Stamina cost reduction((This means 2% of the actual cost, not a straight 2%.))((So, if something normally costs you 1.00% stamina it should now cost 0.98% stamina.)) to any traveling actions, as long as it's in your possession. | Passive/constant | | August 2015 | Late Pinball | Usable in combat. Deals a delayed attack. | Once per day((Might be a bit glitchy.)) | | September 2015 | Self-filling Thermos | Just like a Builder's Brew! Except not really. Instead of a 90% discount on building stuff, it's just 7% and only lasts for 10 rounds.((This most likely stacks WITH Brews, though. Imagine the stamina costs with Brew + Thermos + Blockhead [[implants|implant]] + [[Robot]]. //Imagine//.))((Side note, these numbers may be inaccurate.)) | Once per day | | October 2015 | Halloween Egg(({{http://www.mspaintadventures.com/storyfiles/hs2/scraps/EGG!.gif|egg}})) | Gives the Treacle Fingers buff, which increases the potency of any Halloween Candy eaten.(([[http://enquirer.improbableisland.com/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=33449|DISCUSS HERE]])) | As often as you like | | November 2015 | Unfinished NaNoWriMo Novel | Multi-phase Memento, use 29 times once per NewDay for a 5% stamina penalty, then on 30th time receive a 500% stamina reward. Awards 5% stamina per NewDay afterwards.(([[http://enquirer.improbableisland.com/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=33573|See Forum Thread Here]]))((Thanks, Trowa!)) | Once per day | | December 2015 | Deck of Cards | It's a deck of Magpie(([[https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/mighty-magpie|Get it here!]])) cards, from which you can draw a random card each day. These cards can give you nifty effects, or take them away.((The effects probably have to do with the rules of the game, someone please make a page for it or something?))((It seems like each card's effects only last for 4 rounds. It also seems like what they do depends on the suit, not the card itself. Also also, here's a thing: [[Mighty Magpie Cards]]))((Spades causes you to get hit a few times extra each round. Clubs causes you hit hit a few times extra each round. The I card of each deck seems to give 6 rounds, instead of 4. And... I have no idea what they others do. The whole thing seems to be a little broken.)) | Once per day | | January 2016 | Shiny New 2016 Calendar | Acts exactly like a Chronosphere, giving you a free [[New Day]]((Exactly like last year's, but not!))! | Once per week | | February 2016 | Raccoon in a Box | GET IT OUT WITH A FUCKING LEAF BLOWER(([[http://www.improbableisland.com/motd.php?month=2016-02&newcount=10|But don't kill it...]])) -- Usable in Combat. Deals high amounts of damage to both you and the opponent. | Once per day | | March 2016 | Super Spring | It goes //**Boinnnnininininininininininininnnnnnnnggggg!**// -- Changes your local weather to Hot and Humid for some amount longer than 10 minutes. (([[http://enquirer.improbableisland.com/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=33048&mode=&show=20|Enquirer page about the Spring and the Super Spring]].)) | Once per day | | April 2016 | April Tool((This one is [[YOU]] HAHAHA... JK)) | Slightly reduces the Stamina cost of **Carpentry** and **Masonry** actions.((Cuts the cost by 2% of the total normal cost!))((As in, not 2% stamina, but 2% of the stamina cost.)) | Passive/Constant((This requires a NewDay to activate.)) | | May 2016 | Expandable Pole | Replaces your current weapon and gives +2 attack. Great for when you are dead broke and weak! | Anytime | | June 2016 | Haunted Socket | Gives you one random [[places:progelements#the_building_blockscontraptions_and_contrivances_c_cs|Contraption or Contrivance]], both used in [[places:progelements|Place Programming]]((Each weights 1.2 kg. It's suggested you be wary of this one if you have limited inventory space.)). | Once per day | | July 2016 | Sparkler | //Gives em' monsters the ol' razzle dazzle.// -- Usable in combat. Acts as a mini ZAP grenade. -- Doesn't seem to currently work. At all. | ??? | | August 2016 | Bottled Baby Smell | ... Ew. | ??? | | September 2016 | Pumpkin Spice Grenade | Can incapacitate your enemy, yourself, or both of you, depending on which way the wind happens to be blowing at the time.((When does the wind blow both ways?)) | Once per day | | October 2016 | Cabinet of Unspeakable Horrors | Gives you a little bit of extra stamina by scaring you witless. | Once per day | | November 2016 | Easter Bunny In A Box | Happens to be a male rabbit. Also gives 2% chocolate-flavoured stamina. | Once per day | | December 2016 | Shelf-Stable Elf | Gives a 15 rounds defense buff when used. | Once per day | | January 2017 | The Ashes of 2016 | Gives an attack buff. | As often as you like | | February 2017 | Cookie Convertor | Transforms a regular cookie into a Valentine's Day cookie. | Once per day | | March 2017 | Travle Pass | Pass granting a free ride at the Travle Ajunts. | Once per day | | April 2017 | Hyper Spring | It goes **Boinnnninininininnnng!** and, once per day, generates a regular Spring. | Once per day | | May 2017 | Rabbit | Does what rabbits do. Tastes great when rendered to 5 Tasty Meat. | At NewDay / Once | | June 2017 | Seven Server Boots | Strongly reduces travel costs for 10 moves. | Once per day | | July 2017 | Watcher's Swimsuit | [placeholder - similar to Extendable Pole?] | Anytime | | August 2017 | On-Time Pinball | Throw at your enemy in combat for extra damage. | Once per day ((Same as the Late Pinball.)) | | August 2017 x2 bonus | Official 2017 Commemorative Limited Edition FUCK AMERICAN AIRLINES Bonus Monthly Memento | Teleports you to Squat Hole | Once per day | | September 2017 | Hacker Balaclava | Grants a small amount of Req, but repeated uses increase risk of being caught and Failboated. | As often as you like, with caveats | | October 2017 | Focker & Pratt's Captivating Candy Compressor | Usable only if one of each candy is in your inventory. Instead of clicking 'use' thirty times on each separate candy, it allows you to get the regular Stamina, Attack, and Defense boosts that would come from thirty pieces of candy, at the cost of lasting for fewer rounds. | Does not stack with regular candy buffs, does not display buff countdown | | November 2017 | Writer's Block | 10% discount on carpentry actions for 10 rounds. | Once per Newday | | December 2017 | Sparkling YuleRope | 'Throw it over an enemy in a fight to lasso them for a round or two.' Acts like a ZAP. | Once per Newday | | January 2018 | Shiny New 2018 Calendar | Grants an extra Game Day separate from your chronospheres (see calendars, 2015-18). | Once per real-world week | | February 2018 | Mystery Monthly Memento | When used, becomes a random Monthly Memento from July 2014-January 2018 that the player does not already have. | Single use | | March 2018 | Official Cat Coronation Bowl | [Hurts enemies.] | [Once per Newday?] | | April 2018 | Bunzooka | Shoots chocolate eggs at the enemy | Once per day | | May 2018 | Shred of Privacy | Gives a small buff (20 rounds, attack and defense) | Once per day | | June 2018 | Bag of Humidity | Changes the weather to a rainy type, in the most disgusting way possible | Once per day ((It seems you can not use both the Spring and this in the same day?)) | | July 2018 | Tube Clay | (usable in combat) | Once per day | | August 2018 | FLOPT | 30.000 volts strike either you or your enemy ((probably you)), resulting in massive damage | Once per day |