An area of overgrown vegetation, rumored to be populated by monsters and the occasional garden gnome. Nothing bad will happen to you if you decide to wander through the forest. Honest. Would we [[lie]] to you?((Well, okay - you got us on that one.)) You can find jungles outside the major [[cities]]. Just look for all the [[trees]] standing together in bunches. Sometimes you can find [[the Hospital Tent]] there, if you're willing to risk the healing. Sometimes (Improbably) in the jungle, contestants may stumble upon particular items of interest, including: * [[The Grassy Meadow]]. * [[The Raven Inn]]. * [[Stonehenge]]. [[Rumor|Rumors]] persist that your chances of [[victory]] increase if you play 'Welcome to the Jungle' at thunderously loud volumes while you storm through [[the game]]((Don't click this)) known as [[Improbable Island]].((Whether this is true has yet to be explored, and might get you killed by the people around you.)) In Jungles, you can Hunt to battle monsters. Looking for __T__rouble ((your level or so)) is "Hunting - Standard". Looking for an __E__asy Fight ((one level or so below you)) is "Hunting - Easy Fights". Looking for __B__ig Trouble ((one level or so above you)) is "Hunting - Big Trouble". (__*__) Searching Suicidally ((Not really as suicidal as you'd think)) is "Hunting - Suicidal". Suicidal Hunting is not available on your first DK.((Wouldn't want a Rookie to run into the Bashful Cattywampus, now, would we?))\\ Suicidal Hunting will usually cause a Contestant to battle a monster one level above them that is "Friendly", "Helpful", "Benign", "Full of [[lie|Cake]]", etc.\\ Oddly, Searching for Big Trouble when Level 15 will match a Contestant up with a normal Level 15 monster, wasting Stamina. Suicidal Hunting at this level has the same result as Suicidal Hunting at Level 14.((What's the reason for the existence of Level 16 and 17 monsters?))((Monsters don't have to face the Drive, so they don't get hunted down at level 15. They are therefor free to reach as high a level as they want. There are some monsters in the Jungle that have reached as high as level 50, but they refrain from attacking contestants as it wouldn't be sporting. Mostly they play golf.))\\ Level 16 and 17 monsters can be encountered at Outposts whose walls have been breached.