====== OFFICIAL NETWORK RECORDS, INVENTORY DIVISION S2-H: ====== ==== PROFILE #74345 ==== ''**NAME:** HACCADINE, GUIDO((Suspected pseudonym.))\\ **DOB:** 24/07/69 (UNVERIFIED)\\ **ORIGIN:** ENGLAND (UK), RECRUITMENT CENTRE 84 (LDN)\\ **SEX:** M\\ **RACE:** H\\ \\ **HEIGHT:** 186 CM\\ **WEIGHT:** 11 STONE 6 LBS\\ **EYES:** B\\ **HAIR:** BLND\\ \\ **INTRODUCED:** SEASON 2 (S2)\\ **RATINGS / FOCUS GROUP POPULARITY:** TIER C-9\\ **GROUP CLASSIFICATION:** CONTESTANT \\ **THREAT CLASSIFICATION:** C\\ **CLAN AFFILIATION:** [[aleatory_ensemble|]]\\ \\ **SUMMARY:** Subject is a convicted felon, transferred into care of the Network with full consent from British authorities. Due to the nature of #74345's crimes and known sympathies, as well as actions undertaken whilst on-site(("See History.")), it is highly advised that he be kept on permanent heightened supervision. Despite recent relative docility, it is not beyond the realms of possibility that the contestant may return to former patterns of violent/subversive behaviour. Should such behaviour resurface, it is strongly advised that he be taken in for immediate retraining measures or, failing that, terminated.\\ \\ Adaptation to the Island seems complete. #74345 shows a certain reluctance to engage with the majority of other contestants, but has formulated strong social ties with a limited number, mostly clanmates. He has also proven to be a capable combatant, evidencing no moral conflicts over terminating instances of Drive-generated fauna. Positive viewer response to combat-oriented footage involving subject has resulted in a reclassification to Tier C-9 popularity and increased screen time. Interestingly, despite having initiated more than two hundred 'Drive Kill' events, no major changes have yet been observed on either a physical or mental level beyond what might be reasonably expected of an individual introduced to a warzone-type environment. Whilst not completely unheard of, it is worthy of closer study to ascertain the nature of .\\ \\ **PRIMARY SOCIAL TIES:** Subject has formed bonds with members of [[aleatory_ensemble|]] and [[the_germachine|]] clans, in particular contestants [[zolotisty|#5528]], [[spandex|#33562]], [[ebenezer|#20408]], [[kestrel|#21528]] and [[johnson|#49369]]. For a period of time, was romantically involved with contestant #87181.\\ \\ **PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS:** Dresses plainly and practically, usually in hard-wearing garments with little outward thought to aesthetic appeal. Nose appears to have been broken at least once in the past and routine medical examination during Processing revealed several chipped or deformed teeth, likely due in part to contraction of an illness such as Rubeola during childhood. Most notably, the left leg below the knee is a prosthetic, constructed by one of the non-organic inhabitants of the island at the behest of Elias Ruzicka (#NC-78) after bullet damage to the limb necessitated amputation.\\ \\ **PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS:** Subject is a near life-long Crew member, having internalised much of the rhetoric and social values of the organisation. Membership to one of its militant wings has desensitised him to violence, and provided him with the moral justification to attack Network and government personnel. Despite this, #74345 is not a cold-blooded killer. Whilst outwardly exhibiting introverted qualities and a blunt, standoffish demeanour, his interactions with a handful of contestants reveal a deeply caring nature. After a plainly suicidal attempt to cause damage to an on-site facility and the following period of convalescence, subject seems to have undergone a shift in mood and temperament, losing something of his former radical fervour and will to protest. As of late, he has kept mostly to himself.\\ \\ **ABILITIES:** Subject possesses a practical grounding in many construction/food production-related areas of knowledge, as well as being a proficient marksman and brawler. Has so far shown no aptitude for the manipulation of Improbability.\\ \\ **META-ANALYSIS:** Despite the sporadic nature of the subject's social interaction, several fruitful storylines including a romance subplot and overarching 'redemption' theme have proven moderately popular amongst audiences. Involvement with clan greatly boosted ratings, increasing contestant's activity and putting a greater range of emotional response on display, which viewers mostly responded positively to. However, #74345's core appeal to audiences remains a vicarious blend of jungle combat and survivalism, tapping into a common desire to be self-sufficient without glorifying or promoting the lifestyle.\\ \\ Note: Due to recent lull in activity, approval ratings have seen a slow decline. Downgrade to category C-10 pending.\\ \\ **HISTORY:**\\ \\ **On-Site:** Immediately following introduction to island, subject's behaviour followed roughly standard pattern of integration, albeit at a faster rate than is normal. No violent or subversive tendencies showed themselves until after application for membership and meeting with contestants [[zolotisty|#5528]] and [[spandex|#33562]]; this was the catalyst for a series of events which ultimately ended with subject's incapacitation by an armed response team following a tip-off by Moderator Ebenezer.((For further information, see branch file [[the_tiresias_reels|NCC.INT.22]] on root drive. SEC-O privileges and above only following WIPO/NCC investigation.))\\ \\ Further records pending archival.\\ \\ **Pre-Transfer:** Subject has been definitively linked to terrorist/insurgent groups in the south of England. Charges upon arrest include incitement to civil unrest, destruction of government and private property, armed assault and suspected involvement in the kidnapping of a senior regional government official. Further information is limited, as he appears to have actively avoided legal employment, leasing of property and all census actions; it is certain that the subject was born in the United Kingdom and unlikely that he ever travelled abroad given strict travel restrictions imposed on ordinary citizens and his lack of official documentation. Any further details have been gleaned mostly from #74345 himself and are thus highly likely to be fabrications expressly designed to mislead.\\ \\ //(To view a partial transcript of subject's interview during Processing, please access file 'PROC.TRANSCRIPT_74345' from the FACILITY-01 remote server. Requires minimum C-OP level privileges.)//\\ \\ \\ **PRIMARY RESPONDERS**:\\ \\ SEC-O:\\ //MARSHALL, T.//\\ \\ PROD:\\ //MILESI, L.//\\ \\ C-OP:\\ //LACEY, C.//\\ \\ \\ ''