====== ii-truancy-meter ====== // ==UserScript== // @name Improbable Island Xp Bar // @namespace http://www.shadedraco.com/improbabletruancy // @description Improbable Island Truancy Meter. Credit to Devin, modified by Tahvohck, Maniak, and CloudySky // @include https://*improbableisland.com/* // @grant none // @version 3.2 // ==/UserScript== var CharInfo = document.evaluate("//table[@class='charinfo']", document, null, XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; var StatTable = document.evaluate("//table[@class='stat_table']", document, null, XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; if (CharInfo) { var LevelRow = document.evaluate("//td[@class='charinfo']/b/span[@class='colLtWhite'][text()='Level']/../../..", CharInfo, null, XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; var ExperienceRow = document.evaluate("//td[@class='charinfo']/b/span[@class='colLtWhite'][text()='Experience']/../../..", CharInfo, null, XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; } if (StatTable) { var LevelRow = document.evaluate("//td[@class='stat_tablecell stat_tablecell_stat']/b/span[@class='colLtWhite'][text()='Level']/../../..", StatTable, null, XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; var ExperienceRow = document.evaluate("//td[@class='stat_tablecell stat_tablecell_stat']/b/span[@class='colLtWhite'][text()='Experience']/../../..", StatTable, null, XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; } if (LevelRow) { var Level = Number(LevelRow.cells[1].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].textContent); //var ExperienceMatch = ExperienceRow.cells[1].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].textContent.match(/^([\d,]+) \/ ([\d,]+)$/); var ExperienceMatch = ExperienceRow.cells[1].childNodes[0].textContent.match(/^([\d,]+) \/ ([\d,]+)$/); var Experience = Number(ExperienceMatch[1].replace(/,/g,'')); var ExperienceNextLevel = Number(ExperienceMatch[2].replace(/,/g,'')); var ExperienceTable = { 1 : 0, 2 : 100, //800 3 : 400, // 1800 4 : 1002, 5 : 1912, 6 : 3140, 7 : 4707, 8 : 6641, 9 : 8985, 10 : 11795, 11 : 15143, 12 : 19121, 13 : 23840, 14 : 29437, 15 : 36071, 16 : 43930, 17 : 43930, // Doesn't actually exist, but I needed to put something here }; var DKs = (ExperienceNextLevel - ExperienceTable[Level+1]) / Level / 25; //The various bars.------------------------------------------------ //Truancy var ExperienceThisLevel = ExperienceTable[Level] + ((Level-1) * DKs * 25); var ExperienceTruancy = ExperienceTable[Level+2] + ((Level+1) * DKs * 25); var TruancyBarWidth = ((Experience - ExperienceNextLevel) / (ExperienceTruancy - ExperienceNextLevel)) * 100; if (TruancyBarWidth < 0) TruancyBarWidth = 0; if (TruancyBarWidth > 100) TruancyBarWidth = 100; var RemainderWidth = 100 - TruancyBarWidth; if(Experience >= ExperienceNextLevel) { ExperienceRow.cells[1].innerHTML += //"" + "
" //+ "
" ;} //Next Truancy var ExperienceNextTruancy = ExperienceTable[Level+2] + ((Level+2) * DKs * 25); var ExperienceLevelAfterThat = ExperienceTable[Level+3] + ((Level+2) * DKs * 25); var NextTruancyBarWidth = ((Experience - ExperienceNextTruancy) / (ExperienceLevelAfterThat - ExperienceNextTruancy)) * 100; if (NextTruancyBarWidth < 0) NextTruancyBarWidth = 0; if (NextTruancyBarWidth > 100) NextTruancyBarWidth = 100; if(Experience >= ExperienceTruancy) { ExperienceRow.cells[1].innerHTML += //"" + "
" // + "
" ;} /* //Overall var ExperienceWin = ExperienceTable[15] + (14 * DKs * 25); var OverallWidth = (Experience / (ExperienceWin)) * 100; var OverRemaining = 100 - OverallWidth; LevelRow.cells[1].innerHTML += "" + "
" + "
"; //alert(ExperienceWin); */ }
[[http://enquirer.improbableisland.com/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=16773#16773|Version 1.0 (discussion thread link)]]\\ >I made a Greasemonkey script that adds a second experience bar below the first, which fills up toward the point where you get hunted down by your dojo master. It works on my system, so I figured I'd share. [[https://gist.github.com/624609|Version 1.1]]\\ [[http://enquirer.improbableisland.com/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=16773#19779|Version 2.0 (discussion thread link)]]\\ > I ended up adding a bit to it so it only shows the second bar if you've gone past what you need for the level you're on, and fiddled with the colors. The part commented out near the bottom--''%%/*//Overall...Win);*/%%''--adds a bar below your level number, showing you how far you have to go to level 15. Just remove the /* and */ to turn that part on. [[https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6_eQm5b8ggGdGNfUnZVZlE4dHM/edit|Version 2.1]]\\ [[http://enquirer.improbableisland.com/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=16773&mode=&show=20&page=4#21816|Version 3.0 (discussion thread link)]]\\ >I tinkered with the Truancy Bar a bit. Don't you love open-source? > >New features: >An extra truancy bar starts filling up after you filled the first truancy bar. >Mouse-over the truancy bar and it shows you how much experience is required to fill it. > >Tinkered with the colors a bit. The truancy bar fills white on a red background, then turns green once it's filled. It's the same color green that is used for the stamina and health bar, to give it a more unified look. > >Code below. Remove the /* */ to activate the Overall exp bar.