**[[germ_compendium_nonsensica|The GERM Compendium Nonsensica Presents]]- [[G_rock|G]], in** ===== madness in which G_rock has been involved: ===== 1.[[staaaaaaaaag| What we did when Jon Bishop got married]] 2.[[the_real_story_of_christmas| What we did at Christmas]] 3. [[ticker_trouble|Ticker Trouble]] 4. [[the_heist| When we decided to investigate the banking system]] 5. [[how_to_win_friends_and_influence_people| When Dave slid down the banister in Dunbernarding]] 6. [[our_house| A Song For GERM]] 7. [[germ_villainy| When we were evil]] 8. [[germ_coppers|The Case of the Missing Rookie Declan]] 9. [[arbuthnot|When we invaded the PSK with mustaches]] 10. [[the_life_of_institutional_green|The Life and Death of Institutional Green]] 11.[[i-ching-]] 12. [[beltaine]] 13. [[ii_free_concert_series]] 14. [[mudlarking3]] 15. [[the_gopher_chronicles6]] 17. [[amusing_games_for_the_very_strange]] 18. [[twelfth_night]]