//snip// ----- 2010-04-25 13:36:52: Electric Eveline Reverb giggles as she mounts a wall-cam up in the rafters. A light blinks ON and she holds up a cardboard sign for it to read. "Dear Watcher, camera installed, enjoy the show. Love, Eveline."\\ ----- //snip//\\ //snip// ---- 2010-04-26 13:09:21: Electric Eveline Reverb scribbles carefully on Ashtu's face while he's sleeping. Comments include, but are not limited to; geeky spectacles, italian facial hair, and "insert carrot here" with an arrow pointing to his ear,\\ 2010-04-26 13:11:00: Electric Eveline Reverb considers her result, and adds "I am a #1 Watcher fan!" on his forehead, for good measure.\\ ----- //snip// \\ [[reverb_file|Close this transcript]]