[[http://www.improbableisland.com/petition.php?op=faq|Something]] that is apparently never actually read by any [[newbie|new player]]. Ever.((It has been read, yes. Once long ago..))((Well, except That Annoying [[Epaphus]], but he doesn't [[count_of_saint_germain|count]].))((We're not sure he __can__ [[sessine|count]] either.))((Or read, come to think of it.))((Maybe that's in the Effayque.))((Oh, shush, you.)) Not quite as useful as the [[Newbie Advisory]]. Post questions in Banter, and someone else will either answer them or just ignore them, to be evil.((What's so evil about answering questions?))((//Everything.//)) ((Nothing is evil about answering questions, it's where the answers lead you))