====== DriveKill ====== A [[newbie]]'s coming of age (lv.15 and better), when they prove that they can stand up for themselves by killing the [[Improbability Drive]]((Though a lot of times they are killed by the Drive))((Yeah, they're basically [[screwed]]))((Bring lots of ZAP and BANG nades.)) and become a [[Contestant]].((There is no proof that this has ever happened. People with [[titles]] other than Newbie are suspected of having [[cheating|cheated]].))((That's "Rookie", not "Newbie". Anyways, people can always pay to get a Title Change Document from the Hunter's Lodge.))((That's "", not "Newbie".)) One DK unlocks the [[Kittymorph]] and [[Zombie]] [[races]]. Four hundred DKs unlocks the other races: [[Joker]], [[Mutant]], [[Squat]] and [[Robot]].((You unlock them //before// four hundred. But if you have four hundred. You have those.))((The real number is 300.))