==The Bourgeoisie== [[watcher_files|The Watcher]]\\ [[caveman joe|The Admin]]\\ Carpen tyr?\\ [[dan|Dan]]\\ [[dramatis_personae#zolotisty|Zolotisty]]\\ [[z-notes1|___(Zolotisty notes??)]]\\ [[sessine|Count Sessine]]\\ [[skidge|Skidge]] ((Unlike the other names on this list, this one appears to have been scribbled in using purple crayon; underneath it is a drawing of a happy tree, a happy sun, and a happy stick figure.\\ [[http://ashtu.org|{{http://ashtu.org/purple.png}}]]\\ And a chocolatey handprint. It would appear this top secret file is not immune to sneakerish midnight escapades. It would also appear that Skidge felt left out.))((Of course Skidge was left out - this is //serious// stuff!))\\ \\ [[knob_ends|Evidence of collaboration]]\\ [[first_march|The First Trip Around the Island]]\\ [[h_file|The H Files]]\\ [[second_trip|The Second Trip Around the Island]]\\ \\ [[top_secret_files|Close this drawer]]