What's a Distraction?OHMYGODLOOKBEHINDYOU!((It's Halley's Comet! And it has ten eyes and is farting flame!))((Yeah, Like I'm going to fall for tha- OOF!)) ====== Distractions ====== [[Distraction|Distractions]] will hit you on the [[body|head]] randomly while you play demanding your attention in red text and take away from [[HP]] if you ignore them for too long. If you ignore them for over 10 minutes they'll take a [[cigs|ciggy]], 20 minutes and [[you]]'ll lose something VERY VALUABLE. So read your Distractions people((People may include, and is not limited to, [[human|humans]], [[squat|squats]], [[mutant|mutants]], [[robot|robots]], [[gobot|gobots]], [[kittymorph|kittymorphs]], and [[joker|jokers]].))! You have been [[warm|warned]]. [[lie|Lies]]. What ignoring distractions WILL do is make you miss out on [[awesome]] stuff. Or just conversations with someone who is way too [[awesome]] to allow themselves to be seen speaking to you in [[common ground|public]]. Okay. And it will take away your [[cigs|ciggies]] and [[HP]]. Worse yet, if you ignore them too long they'll make you marry [[That Spoony Bard|Seth]] or [[fickle wench|Emily]].((Either way, it's a [[fate]] worse than [[death]]))